Beware of frauds and false car insurance claims

Akhil Arora
Insurance News
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2015


With such a diverse population in the world and so many insurance companies also into the market, isn’t it very common to hear that there has been false insurance claims being made on the pretext of the damage of cars that had, in reality, never been damaged? Yes. That is exactly what is happening these days. People are trying to claim a specified amount of money from the insurance companies by giving in wrong documents and false ones at that, giving the companies an idea that the accident has actually taken place.

Not only that, people are ganging up with each other to make a fool out of the insurance companies claiming to them that each of their car are damaged because of the accident with the other car. Little do they know that if the guilt is proven then they might be also being put behind the bars for a long time. This is a non-bail able offense and even a hefty sum of fine can be charged by the court to both the parties involved in the accident.
It is very recently, in Singapore that three men were charged for the same fraud. The case is still going on in the courts and it will be given a decision soon enough and if proven guilty, the three people might also be put behind bars for as long as 10 years. But what this situation teaches us is that people can be such big frauds too.

To put more light on the Singapore case, it is said that the three people faked the documents regarding the damage of their vehicles and plotted along with each other against the insurance companies so that they get their claimed amount in due time. For this insurance fraud crime that they had done, they will not only face charges for one point but they will face it for two crimes-

  1. for fraud with the insurance companies and

2. for pushing the other person to do the crime along with them. These offenses are too much to take them to jail for a long time.

It is, thus, asked from all the insurance companies that when any benefactor comes with the car insurance India claim then they are advised to look into the documents properly so that they do not turn out to be false after the claim had been paid by the service provider to the claimant. The agents from the company are asked to inquire about the car accident properly and even look at the condition of the car before making any payment of the claim that has been made.

Such cases go directly to the courts if there has been an insurance fraud and the consequences are not that good. Moreover, they are very long lived consequences. One cannot possible run away from the situation after the crime has been made. Car insurance India policies usually cover any kind of damage to the car following an accident. Some of them cover terrorist attacks too but they are very less. Most of the cases that come for car insurance India come for accidental damages.

The insurance companies also check and double check the records about the driver at the moment of the accident and see if the driver was under any kind of intoxicant or not. They also check if the car, which is damaged, was damaged inside the geographical territory of the policy. If not, then the insurance providers do not pay the claimed money.

Due to such insurance frauds today, the insurance companies, together, have taken up a few steps. Third party liability has become must have in all the motor vehicle policies taken up by the benefactors. The third party liability states that any kind of damage to the other person involved in the accident, if caused because of the benefactor being the at-fault driver, is to be paid by the benefactor itself. The car insurance India policy reserves the right to pay the third party any kind of money because of the damages and losses suffered to them at the criteria of the benefactor being the at-fault driver.

Such steps have taken a huge stronghold in the insurance companies making them very strict with their views and less open for frauds. There are much more steps that are being thought of to save the insurance companies from any kind of fraud that is to happen to them because of false claimants.

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