EC3 engages with Quantum Computing

The Lloyd’s & Quantum London event on 11 February achieved its aims — to get a discussion going

The Bionic Underwriter
InsurTech? Now!


Several hundred people joined the presentation on 11 Feb. Lloyd’s Lab partnered with Quantum London to ensure a perfect mix of insurance experience and quantum technology expertise.

Thanks to the speakers, the Lloyd’s innovation team, Ana Z and Paolo for making this happen.

For some background see here (non-member link).

For details of the follow-up event that happened just two days later see here including video of that event (non-member link).

The full video is available on the Quantum London YouTube site, and the links to speaker information etc, including the Lloyd’s post-event note are here.



The Bionic Underwriter
InsurTech? Now!

Tech-enabled innovation & change in insurance. Insurtech, IoT, parametric, AI, quantum computing, data-driven decision-making giving us bionic underwriting