
A 2015/16 Hyper Island Masters thesis. This thesis put forward the application of experience design to tackling the issue of social integration between immigrants and locals. It is concerned with the inquiry of discovering the experiences of immigrants settling down in new environments and the barriers to social integration. Key design principles are then proposed, upon which designers could apply to create relevant solutions in future.


Image by David Pakman, 2016.

This study employed a qualitative approach and a design-based research strategy to uncover the needs of immigrants and locals. This strategy led to two research phases — an outside-in approach of interviews with users and experts, followed by an action research approach of co-creating with users. Through the discourse of identified patterns, research insights were formed to guide the creation of key design principles, which led to the manifestation of a possible solution.

Key Conclusions to Research Questions

What were immigrants’ experiences like settling down in new environment?

People felt exposed and insecure in environments where they looked or sounded different from others e.g. skin colour, spoken language. They wanted to feel a sense of belonging to society, and be part of a community which made them feel safe. Actively seeking out those who were like them, and could help them understand social mores of the environment, were important in settling in to a new place.

What are the barriers to social integration?

Immigrants might not be proficient in the main spoken language and locals would most probably not be fluent in foreign languages — this formed communication barriers between immigrants and locals. Locals might feel a sense fear of the unknown — immigrants — and the challenges of communication did not help them to understand each other better.

What are the key design principles for building relationships between immigrants and locals?

Based on prior desk research, it was seen that social integration was a complex issue which could be tackled from multiple angles. However by using a human-centred approach to understand the needs of immigrants and locals, this study found that health and food were the relevant areas to zoom into to bring immigrant and local communities together, and adding in the element of fun could probably sustain their participation. Even though older age groups were perceived to be less immigrant-friendly, all age groups should be involved, and the older age groups should not be excluded. Throughout the interactions, mutual respect and trust were essential values to uphold so as to foster genuine relationships.

In summary, the 3 key design principles are:

Firstly, make it fun for diverse groups to participate;

Secondly, develop genuine relationships through respect and trust;

Lastly, discuss issues relevant to both immigrants and locals holistically.

This publication seeks to contribute key design principles, to guide individuals & organisations with a passion for bringing about social integration. Read on here to find out about the research process.



JL Wong
Integrating Immigrants & Locals through Experience Design

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