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Intentional Living
Intentional Living
You don’t have to be someone special to live intentionally. All you need is to decide that you want to happen to life, rather than letting life happen to you. Let’s do something amazing together.
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You Don’t Have to Start Over

I work in a library.

It’s not something that I’d ever thought I would do. If you think about it, the coolest pop-culture reference to librarians is the Pagemaster, but most of what comes to mind is stuffy old ladies who like to say Shhhhhhh! It’s not…

How to Track Progress and Boost Motivation with Your Goals

Last week I set out to find a way to keep better track of my habits and record how I’m doing so that I actually know how I’m doing. Since then, it’s been an interesting adventure of trying to find good information on how to…

Dealing with the Dip

Keep Calm and Carry On

Seth Godin calls it “The Dip.” Stephen Pressfield calls it “Resistance.” Most of us know it as “feeling like giving up.”…