Mindfulness Is Not The Ultimate Goal Of Meditation

Mindfulness is one of the steps in spiritual meditation.

Drashti Bhatt
Interfaith Now
5 min readJul 8, 2022


Mindfulness meditation is the practice to be in the present moment for relaxation. While spiritual meditation is the practice to know about our inner self through enlightenment.


Why Meditate?

Meditation is a way to grasp universal energy. Actually, spiritual meditation practice includes mindfulness because mindfulness is the practice to be relaxed in the present moment. Spiritual meditation has higher goals in terms of experiences, long-lasting & effortless mindfulness.

Nowadays mindfulness meditation is a very trending topic among adults. In this modern time, people are living a very stressful life. Somehow people are falling behind in their duties at home as well as at jobs. All these failures are leading to depression in many people. Mindfulness meditation is one of the ways to cope with such depression.

Mindfulness is also called meditation practice, but the basic goal of both meditations is completely different. Through mindfulness meditation practice one can achieve worldly(materialistic) goals and temporary relaxation. While spiritual meditation practice is to know eternal truth and our inner selves. By knowing those facts, one will relieve from all worldly (materialistic) expectations which is the best state of mind. By practicing such meditation for a long time, one will achieve stability and that will always keep you away from anxiety, fear, and thoughts of past & future.

Experiences in Meditation:

Let’s talk about step by step what are the changes one will experience in their life by doing spiritual meditation for a long-time. Spiritual meditation practice is to achieve the ultimate goal of our lives so, it will be a very slow and steady change as it is inner changes for a lifetime.

Meditation practice can change you slowly. Initially, when you start practicing meditation, you will feel lots of itching, passing of gases, uncomfortableness, and many more reactions from your body. After some practice of continuous daily meditation, you can overcome it. Then a huge attack of your mind will start in form of thoughts on you to make you divert from meditation. You will observe, some incidents or people you forgot for a long time that also will come into your thoughts to divert you from meditation. But don’t allow your mind to win and leave meditation. Continue with daily practice of meditation and overcome your mind.

Once you overcome these physical and mental attacks during meditation, your journey will be easier. Then you will start feeling different divine experiences during meditation. As your focus is no more on your body and thoughts so, you will feel vibrations in your palms. Vibrations in the form of a cold or warm gentle breeze on your palm. You will feel relaxed.

Benefits of Meditation:

By practicing meditation for many years, you will feel changes in yourself. Slowly, you will start remaining satisfied and happy in all aspects of life. Most of the time you will be stressless and enjoying the present moment. So, in one way by doing meditation you will achieve a state of mindfulness.

According to ancient Indian science, spiritual meditation practice involves seven energy chakras(wheels), and three nadis (tubes)of our body. By doing daily meditation for many years chakras and nadis will be balanced. These balanced nadis and chakras will make you satisfied, and happy in the present moment. The longer practice of meditation will change you psychologically because of that one will automatically stay in the present moment during the whole day effortlessly.

If you work on chakras during meditation, then you can achieve very good health just by healing yourself with universal energy. Each open chakra can solve the physical problems of different organs that are related to that chakra. To know more about organs related chakras read this article.

You will also observe, changes in your behavior as well as others’ behaviors towards you. Because of meditation, you will become more sensitive, caring, intuitive, loving, and magnanimous. You will observe that people are more attracted to you because of your attractive qualities. You will feel happiness and satisfaction in helping a needy person without growing your ego. You will feel more secure and energetic. You will observe increased creativity, productivity, and confidence in yourself.

Spiritual Guru:

In this journey of spiritual meditation, a highly spiritual guru is necessary. For the whole spiritual journey, one human life is very small. To expedite our spiritual journey, a spiritual guru is required. Nowadays there are many spiritual gurus in this world, so, choose a guru wisely. Another very important thing is that spirituality is based on universal energy and that is free for everyone, similarly the spiritual path must be free for everyone. So, don’t waste too much money to attain spirituality. Willingly donation or Guru-Dakshina is good for your spiritual journey as it also relieves you from that obligation.

Ancient Indian spiritual meditation has now been proved scientifically also in many parts of the world. To prove scientifically, there are different photographic and neurological methods to observe many changes in human beings due to many years of practice of spiritual meditation.

A myth about Spiritual meditation:

Generally, people are thinking that spirituality and religiosity are similar but that is a very big misunderstanding in the world. Spirituality doesn’t have any connection with any religion. Any person in this world can practice spiritual meditation. To practice spirituality, No one should leave their religion to practice spiritual meditation. Spiritual meditation is associated with universal energy so no religious limitations can disagree with that.

My spiritual Guru Shree Shivkrupanand Swamiji is always saying that Don’t leave anything from your life, neither your religion nor your lifestyle but just add half an hour of meditation in your life and your life will become the best life in all aspects.

How to meditate:

  • Seat Calmly on the floor (If possible) or in any comfortable seating position.
  • Close your eyes slowly and try to keep the spinal cord straight.
  • Pray to God or Universal Energy source for meditation.
  • Try to concentrate on your chakras or your breathing.
  • Now seat calmly and relax to feel vibrations in your palm.
  • Half an hour of meditation every day can make you balanced and stressless.

Helpful hints for meditation

  • Do not wear tight clothes during meditation.
  • If possible, seat at the same place every day.
  • Meditate in a room where no one is there.
  • Try to do meditation at the same time every day.
  • Start meditation with prayers and then take 5–10 deep breaths, which will help you to concentrate.
  • You might have many thoughts jump in when you meditate. But don’t worry. Allow them to pass by. Don’t involve yourself in your thoughts. Avoid anxiousness and feel relaxed.
  • Continue meditation even when thoughts come, with daily meditation, thoughts will decrease and you will feel relaxed.

Techniques for meditation to concentrate:

  • You can focus on your breathing. OR
  • You can concentrate on your chakras. OR
  • You can concentrate on the flame of a candle or a Diya for initial few minutes to stop your thoughts. Then slowly close your eyes.


Spiritual meditation is a lifetime journey to attain high spirituality, consciousness, and self-awareness by knowing the real inner self. Better mental, emotional & physical health, satisfaction, calmness, relaxation, and mindfulness are by-products of spiritual meditation. All these qualities can be gained by just doing 30 minutes of spiritual meditation daily.



Drashti Bhatt
Interfaith Now

By learning on the topics of mental & physical wellbeing, spirituality, parenting, & pregnancy I revolutionised my life and would like to share that knowledge.