What Exactly Moksha (Salvation) Means?

It is a stage to achieve during life, not after life.

Drashti Bhatt
Interfaith Now
3 min readAug 25, 2022


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Moksha is known as salvation or liberation. Liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The literal meaning of moksha is freedom from samsara (world). Salvation also means being free from suffering, which means suffering of this world. Moksha or salvation or liberation is a known theory of many religions like Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

According to Vedas, moksha means liberation from your desires and karmas. It is only possible by knowing your true self, which is part of this world’s universal energy (Chaitanya). So, according to Advaita Vedanta (nondualism), moksha is also known as free from ignorance. Different hymns of Vedas and Upanishads are giving different examples (drashtanta) to teach knowledge about awareness of our real selves.

Generally, it is believed that moksha is the stage to achieve after death, but it is the stage that one should achieve during their life. When you lived life ethically, morally, satisfactorily, and responsibly then you don’t have any remaining regret or greed to fulfil in your life. So, after that stage of satisfaction can make you free from desires and karmas. That stage of life is known as moksha.

The theory of Moksha tells people to live a good life in this world. Too much greed, anger, Jealousy, dissatisfaction etc. has no end. When life ends at that time also there might be a list of things remaining to get or take from others. Such Unnecessary desires drag us to another life to fulfil those wishes/desires but it is still endless.

Spiritual meditation leads us toward moksha. Spiritual meditation is a process to connect ourselves with universal energy. Daily practice of spiritual meditation will open one by one seven chakras (energy wheels) in our body. (To know more about all chakras (energy wheels) read here.) Each open chakra will improve your physical and mental life related to that chakra. So, when seven chakras (energy wheels) will open, you might be living a very ideal life without greed, dissatisfaction, or any jealousy. Such life itself means moksha in this life. After that one will not add any good or bad karma in that life so, one will be free from the cycle of rebirth.

Many religions in this world believed in reincarnation. Reincarnation means rebirth or transmigration of the soul from one body to another body. Outstanding good or bad karma is the reason for rebirth. But when there is no good or bad karma left during your life itself then there is no reason for your next birth means moksha.

How you will know that you attain the stage of moksha?

When someone attains the stage of moksha, they feel complete equilibrium in their life. Such a person can accept all situations in life happily or understand that everything that happens in life is for betterment only.

The person who attained a stage of moksha can accept each person in their life as they are. A person can’t do bad karma in their life after attaining the stage of Moksha. The person has no greed, no jealousy, no dissatisfaction and no expectations from others.



Drashti Bhatt
Interfaith Now

By learning on the topics of mental & physical wellbeing, spirituality, parenting, & pregnancy I revolutionised my life and would like to share that knowledge.