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Interledger Blog
Interledger Blog
Articles and tutorials from the Interledger community.
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Joining the Live ILP Network

A previous blog post described how to join the ILP testnet. This post is for those who want to go further, and join the first pioneering users of the Interledger live network.

Sending out of the Interledger Network

Any participants in the Interledger network can send money to each other. But it’s also possible to send to someone’s cryptocurrency wallet if they don’t know anything about Interledger!

Make a Chunked Payment on Interledger

One of the important concepts in Interledger is “chunked payments.” The idea is that you can split a payment into many Interledger packets, in the same way that a file is split into many Internet packets.

Blockchain Advocates Must Learn the Law of Standards

In 2011, I predicted that Bitcoin would do to money what the internet has done to information: move it instantly and seamlessly around the world.

Using Moneyd to Join the ILP Testnet

Moneyd is a daemon that lets programs on your computer use the Interledger network. You can think of it as your “home router” for the internet of value. If you’re new to Interledger, this is a good place to start.