Go to Capitol Hill Intern Update
Capitol Hill Intern Update
Today’s interns are tomorrow’s Congressional staffers. We want you to have a great experience — no matter where the internship happens!
Note from the editor

Today’s interns are tomorrow’s Congressional staffers. We want you to have a great experience — no matter where the internship happens!

Go to the profile of POPVOX
A neutral nonpartisan advocacy platform meshing real-time legislative data with users’ personal stories and sentiment in a format optimized for Congress.
Go to the profile of The Modernization Staff Association
The Modernization Staff Association
Bipartisan group focused on internal reform issues that primarily affect junior Capitol Hill staffers.
Go to the profile of Marci Harris
Marci Harris
POPVOX CEO and co-founder. Entrepreneur, lawyer, recovering Congressional staffer. Former Harvard Ash and New America California fellow.
Go to the profile of Shruti Nayak
Go to the profile of Dan Hoyt
Dan Hoyt
Writer and political operator seeking to change the world through public service.
Go to the profile of Christopher Lin
Go to the profile of Nicole Tisdale
Nicole Tisdale
Former Director at White House - National Security Council & Congress Committee on Homeland Security; Author: Right to Petition. Founder: Advocacy Blueprints.