Perfecting the Cover Letter

Team InternClick


What is a cover letter in the first place?

A cover letter can be regarded as a letter of intent. It allows you to tell the employers why you are perfectly fit for the role that you are applying for, in a very succinct and personalized way. It’s usually sent along with the resume and gives an insight into how you will contribute to the company and fulfil your obligations.

While a resume gives a detailed outline of your educational and work experience, a cover letter gives a short overview of who you are and your motivation. It’s your brand.

Is it really important in 2020 though?

Source: ResumeLab

We have touched upon this question briefly, before. According to a report by Ladders Inc, recruiters spend around 6 seconds reviewing each resume. 83% of HR professionals, however, love cover letters. Though you’re not always directly asked to give cover letters, they help you in standing out amongst the plethora of resumes and when written well, demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and your determination to go that extra mile, right from the start.

Cover Letters are especially important if it’s a dream role of yours; if you have a personal referral; or if you connect with the values and the culture that the company you are applying to, stands for.

From improving your branding to creating associations; from displaying earnestness and targeting to emphasizing your resume- a cover letter can do wonders for your application!

The Ideal Cover Letter

Source: 2by22

While it’s rather easy to produce a generic cover letter for mass applications, only a personalized letter can catch the eye of a prospective employer.

Address the letter to a specific individual, for example- the recruiting manager. Go that extra mile- research about the company and the role that you are applying for. Explicitly state why you are interested in working there. You can mention a department, a new project or initiative the company is involved in and even acquisitions that the company has made. This shows intent.

It’s also important to state precisely why you are sending your cover letter and resume and highlight why you are a good fit. You can include the relevant skills and abilities that you have for this role, your coursework and education, along with volunteering or previous internship experiences. How will your previous stints help in this role? Describe the responsibilities you have handled and the projects that you have done.

Source: Tenor

Including some accomplishments that you have made in your previous internships or their line of work is a big plus. Emphasize why you stand out and will be a valuable addition to the company.

Lastly, a re-emphasis on why you are interested in the position and are a good fit for the role can be made. End the letter with a sincere request to follow up with your application and thank them for their time.

Include your home and email address at the top, along with your phone number and be proactive and note that you will follow up with additional information wherever possible.

The presentation should be clear and error-free, with solid phrasing. Don’t beat around the bush, be direct. Proofreading is a must!

Cover Letter Frameworks

An ideal cover letter should include at least 4 paragraphs: an introductory one, a body, a concluding paragraph and a call-to-action.

Here are some frameworks that you can use as templates, but as discussed before, personalization is the key.





Microsoft Office

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