Go to Internships are supposed to be like this.
Internships are supposed to be like this.
Sykap.com Blog on internships, early career choices, and learning.
Note from the editor

Sykap.com Blog on internships, early career choices, and learning.

Go to the profile of Deirdre Remida Conde
Deirdre Remida Conde
Anxious Professional Nerd surviving #startuplife (currently Founder @ Liyab.ph | previously: Strategy @ Entrego, Product @ STORM.tech, Marketing @ MedGrocer)
Go to the profile of JD Libao
JD Libao
Co-founder of Sykap. I love to help people by creating purposeful products. Believer in the importance of design. Faithful to God
Go to the profile of JD Libao
JD Libao
Co-founder of Sykap. I love to help people by creating purposeful products. Believer in the importance of design. Faithful to God