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Into ALM
Into ALM
Blogging About Application Lifecycle Management with TFS/VSTS
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Code Coverage results with Team Builds (TFS2008)

From Wikipedia:

Code coverage is a measure used in software testing. It describes the degree to which the source code of a program has been tested.

ALM / TFS Books and Documentation

This week at TechEd in Berlin, Hans asked for some interesting ALM / TFS books. This is a quick random list of the latest books I know about:

  • Team foundation Server in Action
  • Inside the Microsoft Build Engine: Using…

Feedback VS2010 Beta2?

So, you are playing around with VS2010/TFS2010 and you have some remarks, suggestions, bugs, … Please go the Microsoft Connect site for product feedback and bug reporting.

Today I filed a suggestion for the next release of Team Foundation Server: Build Definition History. Unfortunately…

VSTS/TFS Customer Testimonial — Adam Software

About a year ago I performed a VSTS/TFS assignment for Adam Software, a global software vendor of marketing platform technologies that provide the ability to manage, structure and deliver media between people, processes and systems. This assignment…