A New Year, A New Prompt

Intimately Intricate
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2 min readDec 21, 2019

Gratitude Journal — Day One


As I tried to explain, in a rather long, rambling post I put up yesterday, I am working on some goals for the coming new year. I wanted to make myself accountable for remembering those goals and remind myself that I am determined to be taking those steps required to move up, one brick at a time, out of this place of darkness I find myself in. Number one on my hit parade, even if it’s not first on the list I posted here:

is to find one thing I’m grateful for, every damned day. I’m hoping this will help me to remain both positive and moving forward, instead of allowing myself to continue the cycle of wallowing in the negativity that has become my everyday life. I’ve done quite enough of that, thank you very much!

I figured a good way to accomplish this task, would be to do it publicly. So? Here we go. If anyone would like to join me, you’re most welcome.

Day One — I am grateful for the opportunity to leave the house for a few hours in order to get some food shopping done today. To some, this might sound mundane, but, given my love of food and the coming holiday, it was actually quite a lot of fun.


Many days of fun cooking it all up are in front of me. I’m looking forward to it.

How about you? What are you grateful for today? Join me won’t you? Just add a tag called “Gratitude Prompt” and we’re good to go!

I’m looking forward to hearing from you..!




Intimately Intricate

Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋