All the Friends I’ve Left Behind

Edward Punales
Intimately Intricate
2 min readApr 12, 2019



Remember that one friend,
You haven’t spoken to in four or five years?

The one who always made you laugh,
Who introduced you to that thing you love so much,
Who was there that one time you hit rock bottom,
And desperately needed someone to talk to?

They didn’t flinch when you cried,
And needed a hug.

Maybe they were your best friend,
Your lover,
Your crush,
Or just someone you spent time with,
And they were kind to you.

But above all,
In one way or another,
They were important to you.

You think about them,
Reminisce about the club you two joined,
The class you both took,
The menial jobs you endured,
The joys and sorrows you shared.

Where are they now?

What are they doing?
Are they still the same person?
Do they still think of you?



Edward Punales
Intimately Intricate

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: