Where I’m from

Intimately Intricate
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3 min readSep 22, 2018
The house I grew up in from 9 years old to 24 years old. I miss that place.

sweet peaches in the front yard
reach through the window
gotta get some
apricots in the back
share space with the pears
tall grass
tomatoes en mass
this is our new home

concrete streets
loud voices
nude posters on the wall
a precipitous fall
a basement room
loud noises
a hard slide down a wall
i’m going home

mattress on the floor
or no mattress at all
i thought it was
it might have been
not meant for me
not meant to be
this is not my home

blue eyes
tinged in gold
sweet words then
and i should know better
but i don’t
until i need
and you won’t fulfill
because i really wasn’t anywhere
near a place to call
my home

this is where i’m from
and someday
i’ll find it
that simple comforting place
called home

Hello lovelies… Time for a prompt. You ready?

I saw this gorgeous piece by Linda Caroll and I couldn’t help myself. I’d been thinking about a prompt based on a similar theme, but, this one? It just called me…

How about you?

Where are you from?

This is your theme this month, from me to you. Tell me about where you’re from. What shaped and formed you into the who that you are.

If you are already a writer, please follow your usual procedures and submit all entries as a draft, so that I can get you featured on the homepage. If you are not currently a writer for Intimately Intricate and you’d like to be so you can participate, please either reply to this story to let me know, or send a love note to:


and I’ll get you added right away.

Please tag all entries:

I am from Prompt and Intimately Intricate

And please remember to follow the usual rules..?

How to Add Your Story to this Publication

This time? I’m mostly looking for poetry. I think this theme kinda lends itself to it. But? However you can tell your thoughts, I’m looking for it. Send it my way.

I want to hear it.

I am tagging some people, in no particular order, who have previously taken part in prompts, and a few that haven’t, just in case this one interests you. Everyone is welcome, so if you’re not on the list, please do let me know if you’d like to be… At the same time, if you’re on the list and wish not to be? Let me know about that as well, and I’ll take care of it straight away…

alto, Annie Littlewolf, BFoundAPen, Ezinne Ukoha, Dan Moore, Christopher Daniels (Notorious DCI), Dennett, Kris Gage, Erika Sauter, Kay Bolden, Gloria DiFulvio, Gloria Bates, Fierce Force 💃🏼, Benjamin Sledge, Indira Reddy, Kathy Jacobs, Lisa Renee, Zaira Abbas, Zac Chapepa, Zarina Dara 🥀💃🏻, Debbie Aruta, Moses in the Wild, David Montgomery, James Finn, Stuart James, Todd Clayton Stuart, Richard Childs, Mike Thorn, anna breslin, Jackie Ann, Meg, Roy, neil chapman, Artemis Shishir, Tre L. Loadholt, Classical Sass, Alexainie, Alexandro Chen, Tien Skye, Wild Flower, A Maguire, SF Ali, Eric Griggs, Eric Jennings, Indira Reddy, A Ennis, Jake, David, David Moser, David Baron, Miles White, Sherry Caris, Sherry Kappel, Shirley Lee 🍟, D Abboh, Katie Mitchell, Interculturalisticman, Adam, Diabetic Cyborg, Steven Rouach, Stephen M. Tomic, Steve B Howard, Jason Stelzner 🌹🍁, Jack Preston King, Jack Herlocker, Debra A Herlocker, Dan Belmont, Jordan Bray, The Solitary Cook, Ryan Bell, Tamyka Bell, Zev, and… all those peeps I forgot to tag and I’ll be beating myself up for it in the morning.


What are you waiting for??

Let’s go! 💋



Intimately Intricate

Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋