The First Week in Information Security

Vetle Økland
Introduction to Information Security
1 min readSep 26, 2016

The first week we started with information security at Noroff, we started of by learning about ethics. The why of this, can be summed down to the powerful words of Uncle Ben

With great power comes great responsibility.

If you have the knowledge on how to attack someone, don’t use it to dick around with people. Use it for defending people. In this day and age, knowing how to intrude systems can be used for great evil. It can be used to destroy lives or make a whole bunch of money on others’ misery.

We started of with a simple explanation of some key concepts in information security and then went full-on with the ethics of it all. After the ethics, we learned how to set up an Intrusion Detection System, which shows you how to protect.

I think it’s a great introduction to information security. As I noted earlier, it is so important to teach the ethics of it all. This is crucial in teaching how to protect, rather than how to attack.

