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Intuition Math
Make math intuitive, not intimidating.
What is a Positive Definite Matrix?
What is a Positive Definite Matrix?
and why does it matter?
Aerin Kim
Jan 4, 2019
What is the actual chance of winning a lottery jackpot?
What is the actual chance of winning a lottery jackpot?
Xin Liu
Sep 24
Chi Square Test — Intuition, Examples, and Step-by-Step Calculation
Chi Square Test — Intuition, Examples, and Step-by-Step Calculation
The best way to see if two variables are related.
Aerin Kim
Feb 12, 2023
The difference between Batch Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent
The difference between Batch Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent
Aerin Kim
Sep 20, 2017
The Gradients of Linear Regression cost function
The Gradients of Linear Regression cost function
The cost function for linear regression is:
Aerin Kim
Sep 15, 2017
Why the Normal (Gaussian) PDF looks the way it does
Why the Normal (Gaussian) PDF looks the way it does
Although this might not be the most rigorous derivation of the Gaussian PDF (Probability Density Function), this note might help you…
Aerin Kim
Aug 24, 2017
Astrology: Decoding Cosmic Scripts and the Synchronistic Tapestry of Existence
Astrology: Decoding Cosmic Scripts and the Synchronistic Tapestry of Existence
“The universe’s history is, essentially, an immense and ongoing quantum computation. It can be viewed as a quantum computer.”
Cosmic Program
Jul 7, 2023
P=NP would mean we’re a bunch of dumb apes
P=NP would mean we’re a bunch of dumb apes
Why should you care about complexity theory anyway?
Rohit Pandey
Oct 17, 2022
Why all numbers are imaginary
Why all numbers are imaginary
In mathematics, imaginary numbers are all multiples of i with a real number. They are called imaginary because they are the solution to the…
R. Harvey
Jul 4, 2023
Can Math Increase Your IQ?
Can Math Increase Your IQ?
Intelligence is a funny thing. It depends on many different parts of you, including the capacity to process information, solve problems…
Caroline Archer
May 20, 2023
How to tell a distribution has no mean by just looking at its PDF
How to tell a distribution has no mean by just looking at its PDF
Might want to check this out if you enjoy explosions.
Rohit Pandey
Jan 23, 2022
Data science in battle: Applying graph theory to the Ukraine war
Data science in battle: Applying graph theory to the Ukraine war
The Google maps team can totally swing this battle if they wanted to
Rohit Pandey
Apr 4, 2022
Numpy Sum Axis Intuition
Numpy Sum Axis Intuition
I’ve always thought that axis 0 is row-wise, and axis 1 is column-wise.
Aerin Kim
Aug 26, 2017
Why do we subtract the slope * alpha in Gradient Descent?
Why do we subtract the slope * alpha in Gradient Descent?
If we are going in the direction of the steepest descent, why not add instead of subtract?
Aerin Kim
Oct 19, 2017
What Is (-1)*(-1) = 1 In Everyday Life
What Is (-1)*(-1) = 1 In Everyday Life
Xin Liu
Jul 10
[Text-to-SQL] Learning to query tables with natural language
[Text-to-SQL] Learning to query tables with natural language
How to model a natural language interface for relational databases
Aerin Kim
Jun 4, 2020
Why is the inner product of orthogonal vectors zero?
Why is the inner product of orthogonal vectors zero?
It is “by definition”. Two non-zero vectors are said to be orthogonal when (if and only if) their dot product is zero.
Aerin Kim
Mar 31, 2019
Why Math Games Are Important
Why Math Games Are Important
∘ Why Math is Important in Everyday Life ∘ Benefits of Math Games ∘ How Do Math Games Help Students ∘ How Will Math Games Help You…
Caroline Archer
Jun 21, 2023
NeurrNet: Idealization of Sentient Networks in Neuro-Cognitive Modeling
NeurrNet: Idealization of Sentient Networks in Neuro-Cognitive Modeling
A thought wrapped around the mathematical landscape
Harshal Janjani
Nov 6, 2023
What is column space? (with a Machine Learning example)
What is column space? (with a Machine Learning example)
When people say vector space, column space, subspace, etc., what do they mean by “SPACE”?
Aerin Kim
Apr 8, 2019
Demystifying Complex Math Concepts: Breaking Down Advanced Topics for Everyone to Understand
Demystifying Complex Math Concepts: Breaking Down Advanced Topics for Everyone to Understand
Mathematics can often seem intimidating, especially when it comes to advanced topics like calculus or linear algebra. I know that from…
Caroline Archer
May 17, 2023
How to implement the derivative of Softmax independently from any loss function
How to implement the derivative of Softmax independently from any loss function
The main job of the Softmax function is to turn a vector of real numbers into probabilities.
Aerin Kim
Sep 3, 2017
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