Go to Investigating the Panama Papers
Investigating the Panama Papers
In the wake of the Panama Papers scandal, the European Parliament launched a formal investigation to shed light on this massive tax avoidance scandal. Follow the work of Socialists & Democrats MEPs in their fight for Tax Justice.
Note from the editor

In the wake of the Panama Papers scandal, the European Parliament launched a formal investigation to shed light on this massive tax avoidance scandal. Follow the work of Socialists & Democrats MEPs in their fight for Tax Justice.

Go to the profile of European Socialists & Democrats
European Socialists & Democrats
The Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament works for social justice & equality for all EU citizens.
Go to the profile of Nico Gersdorff
Nico Gersdorff
Social democrat trying to find my way into the eurobubble. Feeling half-Canadian, but never against a good old Belgian beer.
Go to the profile of Jeppe Kofod
Jeppe Kofod
Member of the European Parliament, Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Vice-President and Co-Rapporteur for Committee of Inquiry on money laundering & tax evasion
Go to the profile of Dietmar Köster
Dietmar Köster
S&D MEP & Member of the PANA inquiry committee
Go to the profile of (((Ana Gomes, MEP)))
(((Ana Gomes, MEP)))
Deputada socialista ao Parlamento Europeu. Socialist Member of the European Parliament @PSnaEuropa
Go to the profile of Ramón Jáuregui Atondo
Ramón Jáuregui Atondo
Eurodiputado S&D. Co-Presidente de la Asamblea Eurolat. Comisión AFCO. Comisión Panama Papers. Portavoz Grupo Socialista Parlamento Europeo.
Go to the profile of Evelyn Regner
Evelyn Regner
Abgeordnete des Europäischen Parlamentes, Mitglied der Progressiven Allianz der SozialistInnen und DemokratInnen
Go to the profile of Sergio Cofferati
Sergio Cofferati
Member of European Parliament S&D Group. Committees: Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and Panama Papers.
Go to the profile of elly schlein
elly schlein
Eurodeputata MEP @TheProgressives @Possibileit Da #occupyPD alle primarie cn Civati,poi a piedi a Bruxelles.Salveremo il mondo cn un pollo di gomma cn carrucola
Go to the profile of Pierre Moscovici
Pierre Moscovici
Commissaire européen aux Affaires économiques et financières, Fiscalité et Douanes - Commissioner for @ecfin & @EU_Taxud | @EU_Commission #TeamJunckerEU
Go to the profile of Emmanuel Maurel
Emmanuel Maurel
Député européen (Commissions commerce international -INTA, affaires économiques -ECON; commission d'enquête Panama Papers), @partisocialiste, @mntlagauche
Go to the profile of Anneliese Dodds MEP
Anneliese Dodds MEP
@UKLabour MEP for the South East of England. Views my own.
Go to the profile of Emilian Pavel
Emilian Pavel
Romanian Member of the European Parliament, S&D. Active in EMPL & LIBE Committees, as well as Delegations for Israel, the Mediteranean countries, and Serbia.
Go to the profile of Sam Ryan
Sam Ryan
Lost Irish in Brussels. @Labour member. @TheProgressives comms. No man has the right to fix the boundary to the march of 🇪🇺. Repeal 8 plz
Go to the profile of Paul Tang
Paul Tang
Member of the European Parliament on behalf of the PvdA (S&D), economist, husband of, soccer club SDZ and more