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Policies And Procedures

Invictus Consulting
Invictus Consulting
Invictus Consulting, LLC provides solutions for today’s rapidly changing security climate. We have a unique ability to understand the risks our clients are faced with and provide services to address their needs.
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Tasers on Campus

As an Atlanta-based company, we take a special interest in Georgia laws. Recently our governor signed a bill that allows students to carry, possess, and use electroshock weapons (i.e., stun gun or taser) on college campuses effective July 1, 2016.

National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month.

Ready.gov is a Department of Homeland Security website dedicated to preparedness (biological threat, chemical threat, drought, earthquake, flood, home fire, hurricane, nuclear blast, pandemic, tornado, tsunami…

We Love Data

We love data here at Invictus Consulting. I’m talking about both Lieutenant Commander Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation AND actual statistical data. We love them both.

Data is emotionless. Data doesn’t lie. Data is able to evaluate contingencies and formulate a solid plan…

Sweepers and the 21 Foot Rule

The 21 Foot Rule is a guideline that police use. The guideline is based on the fact that if a person is within 21 feet of you and they have a weapon (typically this rule refers to a knife attack), unless you already have a gun in your hand and are already aware of the…