Pitch Iteration: 02
Tuesday, 26 January 2016

“Virtual Chief of Staff.”

Francis Pedraza
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2017


This is an old pitch.
Read the latest.

Invisible Technologies, Inc. is a Synthetic Intelligence Agency that helps heroic, world-changing, visionary CEOs succeed. We provide our clients with an “SI” or “Synthetic Intelligence” that either acts as a virtual Chief of Staff or augments your existing Chief of Staff through a virtual “Office of the CEO”. We manage communications, frame decisions, facilitate introductions, enable high-level delegation, handle administration, take proactive action in support of your key objectives, and generally make magic happen. Our elite Team of Agents — Operators, Strategists, Designers, and Engineers — are building Capabilities that create extreme leverage for our clients, allowing one individual to accomplish more than was previously thought to be possible. For $10,000 a month, we allow our CEOs to be all-strategic, all-the-time.

Model & Technology

In a dedicated model,
coordination costs are low.

One or two dedicated generalists, such as traditional assistants,
could easily retain the context needed to perform tasks for you.

But you would be limited by their skill range, their strengths and weaknesses.
If they leave, you would have to hire and retrain their replacements.

In a specialized model,
coordination costs are high.

So high, that without technology,
only F100 CEOs can afford a team of specialists.

With technology, we lower those coordination costs,
so that you benefit from a team of tech-enabled specialists.

To co-ordinate operations across 6 Clients
requires 13 Agents to have
only the tools and information they need,
when they need it,
to perform a task.

Not more, or less. Not sooner, or later.
Just-in-time tools and information.
The right tools. The right information.

That’s a hard technology problem.

In the Short Term, this isn’t profitable.
This model is subsidized by Investors.
And our Agent:Client ratio is high (3:1), to fill in the gaps.

In the Medium Term, about 2 years from now,
this model should break even at 100 Clients,
and the Agent:Client ratio should correct to 1:1.

In the Long Term, about 4 years from now,
this model should be profitable at 1000 Clients,
profitable enough to justify the initial investment,
with an Agent:Client ratio of 3.5:10.

