Adult Diagnosis of Autism is Happening Every Day

Learn the signs so you can help guide others

Amy Mehta
Published in
5 min readJun 10, 2021


Photo courtesy of Matheus Ferreiro of Unsplash

Over the past year, (like many others whose articles that I have read here) I learned that I am most likely on the spectrum. It explains why I struggled so much as a child and went completely inward. The world just felt too complex and difficult for me. I can empathize with the accounts of others that had a late (past childhood) diagnosis and how suddenly everything seems to make sense.

I faced issues in relationships with friends, at work, at home, while dating, during my first marriage, basically everywhere. Dating can pose enough of a challenge to women that have trouble with social interaction that I wrote an article with tips for others like me. So many other articles that I have read over the past year on Medium echo these sentiments.

Of course, everyone that is alive has issues. We all have our struggles. My point for writing this article is that some of these challenges can lead to the life of a person with autism being infinitely harder. I would love for there to be more awareness of what autism actually looks like in adults.

According to what I, and many that have done the research, believe, there are so many more people with autism than we realized. And life can be extra challenging for us all. We…



Amy Mehta
Invisible Illness

Accounting Systems manager. I love a cozy couch and some good reading.