VP of Marketing

Francis Pedraza
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2018

The right “VP of Marketing” doesn’t need this job description, and won’t wake up in the morning with the thought “I am the VP of Marketing at Invisible,” but with the thought: “Have we taken over the world yet?” The right person already called me, and told me these words:

Francis, this is the best idea ever. I will make it into a virus. An all-consuming virus that will infect every mind on the planet. By the time I am done with them, people will not be able to stop thinking about this company. Their obsession will be so extreme, it will become an epidemic — and will be given a name! The only known treatments will be: to become either a customer, an agent, a partner or an investor in the company!

Chaos. What is the opposite of an NDA? Everyone in the company should talk about the company! Aside from confidential client data, I want agents and partners and investors to talk about the company across all channels — and to feel free to speak their minds. All speech is blessed. Free speech! Open debate.

I want to build the most transparent company ever. The most public private company ever. I want to systematically publish all company information, except for confidential client data or operational data that doesn’t pertain to the public. I want to do something world-historical that will change the focus of the open-source movement.

Order. I will design a public information hierarchy for company information that matches our internal architecture as closely as possible, but is extremely user-friendly. I want to present people with the most important information and navigation choices first, and then let them dig deeper for more.

Narrative. I will make people think about things differently. For example, an agent might resent another agent for making more money than them, or a partner might resent another partner for having more equity than them. Resentment and jealousy are not only idiotic, they are dangerous! These powerful emotions can be sublimated with the right narrative. Feeling jealous? Create more value! Don’t feel like our value assessment is fair? Design a better one!

Thesis. I will not only market the company’s service, I will market the company’s ideas. A capitalist worker’s revolution. Amazon for labor. The digital assembly lines of the 21st century. Synthetic intelligence. The biggest problem in the world is solutions. So the ultimate solution is a single bot that can do everything, and solving for Coasian coordination costs, unlocking unlimited specialization gains. These ideas impose narrative.

Brand. I will design something so powerful, so archetypal, so ancient and futuristic — that it will be as if we have unleashed a primal force, hidden since the foundation of the world.

Warfare. I will build the great challenger brand of our time. We will speak truth to power. We will question the establishment. We will declare war against abstract dragons. They will ignore us. Then they will laugh at us. Then they will fight us. Then we will win.

Distribution. No stone will go unturned. Every publication — from Playboy to Marxists.org to The Cat Lover’s Society Monthly Magazine — will hear our message. Our ads will be famous. It will be a sonic boom!

Clarity. Marketing creates clarity about what the business is, what it does, why it does it, and how it works. I will create clarity.

Objectives. I will always know what the business needs right now, so that when the call goes out, it does not return empty handed.

Innovation. Keats will apply to every job in America that requires repetitive digital work. Keats will reply to every post on your Facebook wall. Nobody has ever done what we are about to do with Medium! And this is just the beginning.

On résiste à l’invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l’invasion des idées.
Nobody can resist an idea whose time has come.
This is an idea whose time has come.

