VP of Hiring

Francis Pedraza
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2018

The right “VP of Hiring” doesn’t need this job description, and won’t wake up in the morning with the thought “I am the VP of Hiring at Invisible,” but with the thought: “Have we taken over the world yet?” The right person already called me, and told me these words:

Francis, you should bring me on as a partner, because without me, you won’t be able to hire as fast as you need to hire to keep growing at this breakneck pace!

Scoping. Your team needs reinforcements. I am the reinforcements. I will ask everyone who they wish they had, that they don’t have. I will find them their missing partners and agents.

Sourcing. You need someone who has an insane network so that they can source their own candidates. But you also need someone who has the imagination not just to leverage their personal network, but to leverage your network, your investors’ networks, and networks of every single person in the entire company! I will build processes to systematically mine our second degree network. I will not stop until I can instantly source brilliant candidates for any role we could possibly need.

Selection. Hiring mistakes are the most expensive mistakes you can make. They’ll set you back an entire quarter, or more! I’ll help you design an interview process and written tests that are so intense, it will make strengths shine and weaknesses reveal themselves.

Incentives. The best people in the world will beg to work here. They will pound down your doors. Why? Because we will build a meritocracy where only the best get promoted. People respond to incentives. The best ideas, the hardest workers, the most epic results — if you reward them, you will get more of them. I will help you design incentives to align every individual’s interests with the company’s.

Marketing. I will make this company famous. This is the best place to work in the world. No catered lunches. No fancy benefits. But it’s yours. Equity is the ultimate perk. Meritocracy is the ultimate benefit. Solving the most important problem in the world, building the most beautiful product in the world — where else can you do that? For every person that quits because Invisible is too intense, I will find two to take their place. The people that want to be here will join, and stay, because someday their grandchildren will ask them what it was like to work at Invisible, and the answer will be: I did the best work of my life there, and it left a mark — you are living in the world I created.

I am ready to start immediately and will solve your short term problems even as I build for the long term.

