Friday, 23 February 2018

Report: “Sales”

Corey B
5 min readFeb 24, 2018



Number of Clients: 52
Size of Prospect List: 200
Size of Onboarding Waitlist: 7

Target Metrics

50 Clients, February (+16) (achieved!)
75 Clients, March (+25)
100+ Clients by April (zero onboarding friction)

February Revenue

February Standard Revenue: $10,589
Operation Moby Dick Discounted Prebuy Revenue: $8,000
New Client Revenue: $3,750
=$22,339 for Feb

Collateral used to streamline sales scheduling for typeform used to answer preliminary questions for examples of past processes

Delta from Last Month

We give prospects the onboarding form along with my call times, so they can skip the call if they want.
We have a flow for sales context to be matched with their onboarding form so that the new assistant knows everything we know about the client.
The FAQ is front and center on the website.
All prospects are actively being engaged now

Where is sales going?

Short Term
Prospects don’t exist for long — they either give explicit Nos to become Followups, or have filled out the onboarding form to become Waitlist.
Sales Collateral is all on the website so no question is asked on calls that isn’t already answered. Ergo, only lazy clients have open questions.

Medium Term
Hire an SDR. Mine entire INV network. Scope referral incentives. Automate call followup.

Long Term
Huge waitlist, aggressive targets, regular prebuy, network mined out, deals structured upfront, regular new markets, copious collateral, great referral incentives , big team, everything automated, regular introductions.



Number of Clients: 52
Clients Onboarding Capacity: 2 per day (up from 4 per week!)
Unique Processes: TNG to provide
Number of instances: TNG to provide
Average Instances per client: TNG to provide
Median instances per client: TNG to provide

Current Flow

Client fills out Typeform.
Sentries set up assistant account and ping Relationship Manager.
Relationship Manager creates new instance channel and sends template.
Relationship Manager works with client to get context and access for 1st process.
Relationship Manager handoffs to Building Team to build the Taskbook.
Building Team hands off to Ops teamto operate.


We had no understanding of which team did what, in what order, to onboard clients — now the entire workflow is meticulously documented.
We created a new role, Sentries, to better onboard clients and fill in the holes the existing system had.
The client is now charged before we do anything for them!

Where is Onboarding going?

Short Term
Templated first interactions!
Clear Relationship Manager shift handoffs for tag team threads!
Client FAQ so they can set up their own stuff without us!

Medium term
Cross- team flow architected such that there are no client requests happening outside of that flow.

Long Term
All interactions with your client are done via templates.
Agents send them, but Relationship Managers monitor to make sure its personal.
Clients could follow instructions to do the onboarding work themselves without any assistant input.
Clients can jump on calls immediately without scheduling, for help.
All Invisible teams have established flows that comms don’t break, ever.

Clients Index

The Client Index is the new document acting as an Invisible CRM, formed by merging dashboards from Operations, Support, and Finance.

We don’t use a real CRM at Invisible because all our data is already manipulated by humans, so we just add an extra step for them to report the data in sheets that end up here. It is the Single Source of Truth for all Invisible teams regarding clients.

It has 3 tabs: Index (basic client info), RLM (status of onboarding first process and context), and Payments (payment status)


Basic contact info about client, company, and assistant


Which RLM is owning the relationship, in which channel, and what’s next upsell step


Under Construction — tracks who paid how much, when, and how many minutes/credit remains

Operation: Moby Dick

This operation was enacted to squeeze every dollar out of our client base that we could. It had 2 goals, applied to both clients and prospects: no zombie clients, and all whale clients sighted.

It garnered almost 8K in revenue , using the $1k for $7.5/h and $5k for $5/h discount incentives. I’d say all whales are sighted, but we still have a few zombies. The operation isn’t over yet.

Below was the roadmap towards this being possible, and all of these requisites were met. Go team!

No Zombies — All clients are actively engaging with their assistants.

1A. Relationship Managers have a communication channel with the client.
Requisite: #dms-clt and #rtr-clt channels exist for every client that has filled out the onboarding typeform.
Owner: Router team

1B. Every Relationship Manager has the client context necessary to communicate.
Requisite: Client context lives in a central database (the Sheets or Hubspot) and every interaction is logged
Owner: Corey, aligned with the Relationship Manager team

1C. Documentation exists for common client questions and responses.
Requisite: Router/Relationship Manager division of responsibilities is clear and there are templates for common responses (Relationship Manager Taskbook)
Owner: Router Team and Support team for the former, and Corey for the latter.

2. Happy Whales — All client whales (capable of big prebuys) are happy with their assistant’s work.

2A. All potential whales are identified.
Requisite: All whales are tagged in the same central database from 1B.
Owner: Corey, aligned with the Relationship Manager team

2B. All assistants are trustworthy.
Requisite: Dashboards reflects reality, existing processes are operational, they can respond to new comms.
Owner: Router team

2C. All whales are ready to prebuy big hours.
Requisite: The Relationship Manager has identified a process with the whale that they are comfortable pouring many hours into
Owner: Relationship Manager team

3. Whales IDed and No Zombies on Prospects List

Requisite: Mail Merge all Prospects until they say ‘No’ or sign up
Owner: Corey

