Capability: 73
Path: Capabilities: Team: Growth: Hiring
Saturday, 09 September 2017


11 Processes For Organizing Your Team’s Hiring Systems

Francis Pedraza


Essentially, hiring is simple. You are looking for a certain type of person. You are willing to offer a certain opportunity. Presented with that opportunity, qualified and unqualified candidates show interest. An application and interview process screens out the unqualified. An offer is made to, and accepted or rejected by, those who qualify.

But in practice, hiring drains operational resources. The more positions you are hiring for, the more complex they are to describe, the more hiring channels you have to manage, the more applications you have to design and screen, the more candidates you have to track, the more calls and interviews you have to schedule, the more tests and evaluations you have to review, the more decision-makers you have to align — the harder it is to get to that final offer.

Let Invisible Technologies design, build and run your company’s hiring process, so you can forget about these operational burdens, and return your focus to what matters: interviews and decision-making.

Take a look at the 11 Processes below, which we designed with our clients, and which we use ourselves. They are battle-tested, but can be simplified, expanded or modified as desired by every new client, as we factor your custom requirements into our Playbook for this Capability.

1. Positions

Every quarter, your Synthetic Intelligence bot can send you a Message asking you if there are any new Positions you would like to hire for.

2. Job Descriptions

Every new Position requires a unique Job Description, written by someone on your team. Your Synthetic Intelligence will coordinate with you and your team to put a general template in place, and make sure it is updated with all of the relevant specifics for each new Position.

3. Application Forms

In addition to the Job Description, some Positions require an Application Form to be designed, as part of the screening process. Again, your Synthetic Intelligence will coordinate with you and your team to modify the general template for the specifics of this Position.

4. Hiring Channels

Once a Job Description in place for the new Position, it must be posted across all Hiring Channels. This includes the Company Website, Social Networks, various Hiring Platforms such as Lever, Hired, and AngelList, and any Recruiters your company has retained. We may even go so far as to send Personal Emails to the strongest allies in your network, to ask them if they have any leads, or to send out a general Email Blast.

5. Hiring Funnel

Candidates that apply get added to a Hiring Funnel that your Synthetic Intelligence manages for you. This funnel tracks relevant information to make sure that every candidate moves smoothly through the rest of the hiring process, and that everyone at your company has the information they need readily available. This information is saved, so that in the future you can analyze it for patterns, or even reach out to past candidates to invite them to re-apply.

6. Application Screening

Once Applications start coming in, they need to be screened. If the Application Form is self-scoring, or if the heuristics are simple enough, your Synthetic Intelligence can do the Application Screening on its own. But if certain questions require you or your team’s input, your Synthetic Intelligence can coordinate to make sure that screening is as frictionless as possible. For candidates that disqualify, your Synthetic Intelligence will make sure they receive appropriate form letters letting them know.

7. Phone Screening

After the initial Application Screen, your Synthetic Intelligence can schedule a Phone Screen with the most relevant member of your team. This brief interview makes sure that it makes sense to invite the candidate on-site for an extensive interview process.

To decide who on your team should screen which candidate, you can provide your S.I. with a set of instructions to follow. If the heuristics are simple enough, the right person will always be assigned to screen each candidate.

Before the screen, your S.I. will send the screener the candidate’s application form and any other relevant information. After the screen, your S.I. will ask your screener for a pass/fail decision, as well as for any notes or additional information to track.

If the candidate does not pass, again, your S.I. will send them an appropriate communication thanking them for their time, and informing them of the decision not to move forward at this time.

8. On-Site Interviews

On-Site Inteviews will be arranged by your Synthetic Intelligence for candidates that pass the initial screens.

If your company is distributed, then the interview process can, of course, be handled remotely by phone or video conference.

Your S.I. will send the candidate instructions in advance, to make sure the candidate is prepared, has the correct transportation instructions, and that any other logistics are clear.

Your S.I. will coordinate schedules so that all of the necessary decision-makers spend time with the candidate during his visit.

Your S.I. can also send a wider communication to make sure that anyone the candidate meets is expecting the candidate, so that everyone met during the visit is cordial, welcoming and informed.

We may even go so far as to make sure that lunch is catered, with dietary preferences considered.

9. Tests & Evaluations

After an extensive interview process with multiple decision-makers, there will naturally be different evaluations of the candidate. If these evaluations are not written down, they can make the verbal decision-making process much longer.

To make your interview process even more rigorous, it is possible to design written tests for the candidate to complete that were not part of the initial Application Form. These tests may provide additional insight during the decision-making process, but they also require written evaluation.

Your S.I. can make sure that Tests & Evaluations are completed by all parties before the decision-making process begins. Your S.I. can even prepare a dashboard that collates all of this information, so that decision-makers can review it in the abstract.

10. Hiring Decisions

After the interview process is complete, decisions need to be made about whether to make offers to the candidates.

Not only can your S.I. can handle the scheduling so that this meeting takes place, but your S.I. can prepare an agenda to make sure that it follows an orderly format, and ensure that decisions are written down.

Your S.I. will encourage you to record this meeting so that the discussion can be referenced in the future, as you improve your decision-making processes. Your S.I. will also follow up to ask each participant for their notes, also to be saved for later reference.

To those candidates who do not make the final cut, again, your S.I. will send a personal note, thanking them for their time, and giving them constructive feedback from your team.

11. Job Offers

Sending the candidates an offer is the best part! Your S.I. will update your company’s general contract forms and offer letter with any specifics, and send them out for signature.

If the candidate has any final questions, your S.I. can facilitate a response from the appropriate member of your team. Once the candidate has made their decision to accept the offer, the good news will be relayed back to your team.

As you can see, hiring has perhaps more to do with process than with persuasion. Indeed, the process can be a persuasion unto itself.

If your company has an informal process, if you and your team is juggling all of this yourselves, it is likely that you are not setting candidate expectations with the level of professionalism you will, in turn, expect from them. Perhaps more importantly, all of this work is distracting you from your real work. Let us set you free.

