Francis Pedraza
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2017


Editor’s Note: At Invisible, we believe that processes are an extremely valuable tool that enables a team to reliably execute workflows in an efficient manner. This post provides 11 helpful processes for organizing your Org Charts.

Capability: 74
Path: Capabilities: Team: Growth: Sales
Saturday, 09 September 2017

Systems for Sales

12 Processes For Organizing Your Team’s Sales Systems

Sales is more about process than it is about persuasion. But persuasion is more fun. So let us run the process for you, and set you up to invest time building deep relationships with each client.

1. Pitch

Every salesman’s got a pitch; and the pitch evolves. You always want to have it handy, and your S.I. can work with you to draft and save iterations over time. Put it into your own words. Experiment with different versions, lengths and styles. Capture the opportunity in a way that doesn’t feel canned.

2. Summary

Once you’ve hooked ‘em with the pitch, outline the opportunity with a multi-point summary. Your S.I. can suggest formats, prompt you with questions, and send these for you to clients.

3. Materials

Your S.I. can put together a comprehensive materials package, pulling from your business model’s pricing structure, your website and other marketing assets, such as testimonials. When a client asks for anything or everything, your S.I. can instantly send a link.

4. Referrals

If your business model supports referrals, your S.I. can help you build an introductions machine by incentivizing your contacts and reaching out to them systematically.

5. Commissions

If your business model supports commissions, your S.I. can help you track commissions for each individual salesperson, for the sales team as a whole, and to keep financial dashboards and projections current.

6. Targets

Got a quota you need your team to hit? Put it on auto-pilot. Your S.I. will remind you to set and update targets, notify you when one or more of your sales people are off track, and even update your company’s metrics dashboards.

7. Segments

As you sell, you identify different types of customers. Different customers buy for different reasons, have different needs and sometimes need to be handled differently. Your S.I. can help your sales team develop a taxonomy of profiles which allow you to segment and analyze your customers; gathering insights over time into how to most effectively approach each.

8. Prospects

When sales becomes a volume game, you need as many qualified leads as you can find. But generating names takes hours of crawling around the internet, searching for keywords, finding introduction paths — things that your S.I. can do for you, so you can get back to closing.

9. Funnel

We are good at building funnels. We can track as many columns of information as you’d like to track, and even suggest the funnel template that we feel like matches your needs. The numbers that emerge from your funnel, like conversion rates, will automatically update your company’s metrics dashboard.

10. FAQs

Every question a customer asks is an opportunity. Demonstrate how deeply you understand the issue, and how thoroughly you’ve thought it through, by building the ultimate FAQ database. Your S.I. can work with you to build the library of questions and answers — and always keep it up to date.

11. Closing

Iniating a closing process is now as simple as texting your bot. Legal will send out the contract, finance will send out the invoice and confirm payment, and support will begin onboarding. Oh, and your team will give you slap on the back.

12. Advanced

Initiate training processes for underperforming sales people? Update company objectives dynamically? Send the CEO the numbers she needs for her quarterly letter to the BOD? Share best practices between salespeople? Pass along notes to the onboarding and support team? Always follow up on time? Run insanely impressive meetings? Conduct on-the-spot field research, by asking product design questions? Convert an off-hand complimentary remark in a sales meeting into a testimonial on the website?

Hey, we’ll even solve the traveling salesman problem for you — booking and mapping meetings intelligently. Without a quantum computer.

Actually, while you’re stuck in the car in between meetings, don’t open up your laptop, don’t turn on your phone hotspot, and don’t scramble. Henceforth, that horrible ritual has been banished to the distant past. The future is: “Keats, initiate closing process with Elon.”

There are only two kinds of people in this world. Invisible clients and future Invisible clients. I wonder how much money per second it is costing you to not buy now.

