Day 2 DevCon 2018 , Prague

Fernando Paris
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2018

(On the way to our stable regulated coin …)

We had time to rest and recharge batteries for day 2. Taxi and here we are, at the venue, starting with the keynotes.

  • Aya Miyaguchi . An inspiring keynote in our opinion. As believers and #buidlers, the ideas and topics that were shared are the mantra to follow.
  1. “Blockchain = technology + philosophy, focusing on human rights”
  2. “We have a big responsibility having in our hands this tech with such a huge potential… it can bring more centralized systems with the claim of decentralization”
  3. “Beauty in subtraction”. Which describes an approach that lets beauty emerge by reducing elements rather than adding new ones
  4. “Ethereum ecosystem as a well connected constellation” “Work, solutions and impact as connections”
  • Vitalik Buterin. Really funny musician “Non giving ether Vitalik”….Vitalik on stage… As a summary, we really felt it was a funny a way to say “ We are on the way, we found the path , we are working hard” “ We spent time on POS tries, betting, and finally we are focusing on ..Serenity an hybrid POS”
  • Starks. (Starkware),Vitalik expressed the interest of updating the blockchain to starks, a cryptographic mechanism that allows for the trustless aggregation of transactions into verifiable batches, while also offering a privacy-enforcing component. The method is being pioneered by a for-profit company named. Starkware runned a 2 hours meeting, sharing comparison with bullet proofs, zksnarks, zero knowledge proofs and proover vs verifier performance. Interesting and quite experimental now. They showed an ewasm browser based version working on pc an mobile, that really looks very cool.
  • EEA. We shared some time on the stand, sharing our Regulated Stable Coin development, standard implementation focus and collaboration as member. Amazing times ahead.
  • SpankChain: Payment Channels in Production. A funny talk, with really funny details, like the new payment channel implementation: comeswap….for the booty coin. They really have experience on the micro payment space, which is really challenging. After they were hacked several times (on funny way explained), the have rebuilt ( rebooted the platform) XT, a payment channels implementation that will release soon the platform/sdk, The mentioned the common INFURA problems of node sync, which must of the people use to suffer.
  • Using Manticore and Symbolic Execution to Find Smart Contracts Bugs. As IOB, we are very focused on doing really shiny working smart contracts development, with 100% coverage, mythril, solium, solidity coverage. Any formal verification or symbolic execution engine will increase our safety and craftmanship mindset. ( Oyente. mythtril … and now manticore) Very nice workshop, quite chaotic but really useful. Workshop slides and work
  • IDEN3. We weren’t at the talk, but we shared some time with this spaniards :), and it looks like an amazing project. Identity, merkle trees, proofs, SSI, … really connected to our stack
  • POA Bridge. Talking with Virtue Poker, they finally decided to use side chains via POA bridge to scale up there payment systems / channels, Parity support wasn’t the best one and this solution really convinced them. We want to really test it and see VPoker next experiences.
  • Privacy-preserving Smart Contracts at Scale. Oasis labs presents a new sdk, that will be released soon, that allows to have a smart contract based privacy system where web3 layer nodes, cannot decipher information. The only one who can is the smart contract… Really willing to see ii work, Maybe with precompiles? How to do it without touching the state or unveiling the keys? Let’s see the sdk

Day becomes to the end, Beers, some dubai mates together having dinner at river boat. good conversations beers and fun.



Fernando Paris

Working hard to improve on daily basis. Without risk there is no win! @Iobuilders ex-yaap ex-lastminute