Iomob smart mobility update for November 2018
3 min readNov 8, 2018


Boyd addresses a range of Mayors and city officials brought together for a symposium in Catalonia.

There’s so much great stuff going on this month at iomob HQ — here’s our update on the highlights:

Boyd Cohen, Ph.D. CEO IoMob will be interviewed onstage at Smart City Expo in November.
  1. Our tech team is hard at work on v.2 of our multimodal algorithm and visualisation tool.
  2. We are actively involved in the world’s largest smart city event, the Expo here in Barcelona. CEO Boyd Cohen will be on stage being interviewed by an editor from in a fireside chat at the event. For the event details, see
  3. We were interviewed this week by the Dutch government for eligibility to participate in a 20M Euro, 7 pilot MaaS program.
  4. We are semi-finalists in the City of Tomorrow, Ford Motor Company Challenge Pittsburgh.
  5. We are having a followup meeting with a major global OEM about a potential pilot opportunity in Europe.
  6. We have been shortlisted for another big mobility accelerator based in Madrid.
  7. CTO Josep Sanjuas will be presenting v.2 of our tech to a group of transit officials in the UK later in the month.
  8. We are doing a design sprint in a major West Coast US city at the end of the month.
  9. Boyd will be back in Asia, Bangkok for Beyond Blocks, and Singapore for Blockshow, where he will be unveiling v.2 and our new end user demo for the iomob app that will connect to our protocol and enable seamless discovery, multimodal routing, booking and payment.
  10. On Nov 22nd, CNBC will air a show about new sustainability mobility where iomob is heavily featured.
  11. Also, iomob and Boyd were recently a contributor to the Outlier Ventures report Convergence Ecosystem in Mobility, and Akasha Indream, Engagement Director, spoke about ICOs and regulations at Australia’s premier Fintech festival, Intersekt.

We know this is a lot of news to digest in just one article! is a vast undertaking, with so many facets, designed to reunify the people’s experience of mobility services whilst enabling diversity and personalization, and the team is incredibly pleased at the headway, traction, and keen willingness for adoption we are seeing by governments and city officials alike.

Please read our White Papers:

Iomob is working to decentralize and build the Internet of Mobility, by incentivizing and facilitating the use of alternative transport. By using the blockchain, iomob plans to minimize fees and allow mobility providers and end-users alike to connect on a peer-to-peer basis. In their own words: iomob is “a system which produces a useful output at the lowest possible marginal cost.”

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Iomob revolutionises how people get around. We enable seamless, multimodal journeys across an open network. Follow our publication