IOST Update: Jan 14th 2019

IOST Foundation
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2019

Another busy 2 weeks for IOST and a great start to 2019! Since our last bi-weekly update we announced an update to the IOST election to make sure we have as many participants from a wide range of backgrounds as possible, more information for voters and how to get involved, a great AMA with Terry and Jimmy as well as launching our bug bounty program and more great tech development progress. Read on for your full IOST update!

IOST Voter Guide: Why You Should Vote for Nodes

On the 15th of January, the IOST ERC-20 election will begin. This marks the official start of preparation for Mainnet launch, as this election will establish the initial Node ecosystem for the IOST network.

IOST is owned by YOU- the users. This is your time to get to decide who governs the IOST network and development of the ecosystem. Get ready to vote with your IOST, earn rewards and shape the future of YOUR network!

Read the IOST Voter’s Guide here.

The IOST Election Update: Now Open to Non-Technical Applicants & Lower Requirement

After announcing the opening of applications for our ERC-20 election, we have had a surge of interest from people, teams and organizations interested in joining the IOST ecosystem and becoming Candidates for the ERC-20 election in preparation for Mainnet launch.

As a result, we have decided to lower the minimum amount of votes required to be received during the ERC-20 election to allow as many Candidates as possible to qualify and be a part of the IOST ecosystem and mainnet launch.

For full info and to learn how to get involved read the announcement.

AMA With Jimmy Zhong, CEO & Terrence Wang, CTO

Jimmy and Terry hosted an AMA on Reddit last week answering questions about Mainnet, Partners & Servi Nodes, the ERC-20 election, IOST design and more! Dont worry it you missed it, you can still read all the discussion right here.

IOST Bug Bounty Program: Building a Secure Blockchain

One month ago, IOST successfully launched its Developer Bounty Program and received many applications from developers around the world. IOST’s developer community on Slack saw significant growth with many people getting involved and joining the ecosystem.

To ensure IOST’s blockchain is highly secure and resilient, we are excited to launch IOST’s second iteration of bounty programs: The Guardian Code Review Plan. Full info here.

Tech Update: 10th Jan 2019

Some more great development progress last week with a big focus on Mainnet deployment and end user operation including voting, rewards, staking. Final testing, documentation, deployment and more — Mainnet launch is right around the corner!

Checkout our update for a full summary of the week’s development progress.

Thanks for reading our update for the last 2 weeks. By our next update, the election will of launched and be in full swing. Make sure to follow the official IOST Twitter and Medium to make sure you receive all updates as they happen!

The IOST Team

