IOST X Coinbene Research Institute | Deepening Collaboration With Government & Enterprises

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5 min readApr 5, 2020

On April 3, 2020, the Digital Assets and Blockchain Technology Research Institute, Coinbene and IOST reached an in-depth strategic cooperation. The two parties will hand in hand explore blockchain technology innovation, brand building, government-enterprise cooperation, etc., to jointly create an open and win-win blockchain business ecosystem.

Coinbene Research Institute: Boosting Blockchain Technology Innovation and Industry Development

The Coinbene Blockchain Research Institute was established in July 2018 and as a digital asset and blockchain technology research institution established by CoinBene.

As an independent institute with industrial and commercial qualifications and certification, the Coinbene Research Institute aims to launch comprehensive research on core issues such as industry trends, technological innovation, and implementation, based on the various products, rich industry resources, and massive global data of as core advantages. It launches not only comprehensive research reports, but also products and applications, as well as promotes government-enterprise cooperation while providing strong support for blockchain technology innovation and industrial development.

At present, the four main directions of the Coinbene Research Institute are:

  1. Blockchain + industry research, regular release of industry research reports;
  2. The construction of a blockchain talent training base, with currently designing relevant training courses to serve universities and local government agencies;
  3. Promote the construction of blockchain industrial parks while providing technical services and consulting services for traditional enterprises. Carry out enterprise-level cooperation in the supply chain, justice, Internet of Things and other fields;
  4. Design and development of the consortium chain technology, with having reached strategic cooperation with local technical service providers in Korea, Japan, and Brazil.

The Coinbene Blockchain Research Institute intends to carry out all-round and in-depth cooperation with a selection of enterprises and institutions around the world to jointly build a blockchain talent training base and a blockchain sandbox laboratory, among other plans, to push the blockchain research field to a new level.

The development goals of the Coinbene Research Institute coincide with IOST. As a global enterprise-level blockchain technology application platform, IOST is committed to promoting the application of blockchain technology to various industries businesses and dedicated applications of clients hence launched the IOST enterprise edition -Aiou Technology in 2017.

On March 6, 2020, based on the rich experience of cooperating with government and enterprises and to further promote the implementation of blockchain applications, IOST launched its “IOST’s One-Stop Blockchain-as-a-Service Platform”, and its enterprise version of Aiou Technology officially opened enterprise-level services in 12 fields including government affairs, justice, supply chain, charity, Internet of Things, energy, games, medical beauty, etc., directly providing technical services, consulting, blockchain training, promotion and other internal resources to fully support and help more traditional enterprises that are turning to blockchain solutions.

IOST X Coinbene Research Institute: Accelerate the cooperation between government and enterprises

The cooperation between IOST and the Coinbene Research Institute is a win-win move to fully share the advantageous resources of both parties, jointly deepening the blockchain technology innovation and industrial development, while accelerating the cooperation between government and enterprises.

CoinBene has 9 international sub-stations and has been operating for nearly 3 years now with a large number of international partners and resources. It will complement IOST in terms of globalization, build in-depth brand cooperation, and jointly expand the market.

In addition, through this cooperation, IOST will be included in the first batch of top tier projects in the CoinBene derivative product series. In the future, both parties will also carry out in-depth cooperation in digital finance.

It is worth mentioning that government-enterprise cooperation will also become the main position for both parties in 2020. Combining the resources of the Coinbene Research Institute, and the rich experience of IOST and government and enterprise cooperation in promoting the implementation of blockchain applications, in terms of enterprise-level business cooperation, the two parties will expand more channels and enhance profitability such as traffic monetization, including but not limited to: cooperating to promote government-enterprise cooperation, enriching the B-side business layout, and cooperating to operate the blockchain industrial park.

In regards to this cooperation, the representatives of the Coinbene Research Institute stated that what they value the most are consensus foundation, resource advantages, and clear development goals of IOST:

“IOST has a very high reputation, extensively developed consensus and a massive fan base in blockchain industry. The strength of the IOST community is known by all in the business. No matter the bull or bear market, its popularity is undiminished. In the early stages of the blockchain industry, the consensus is the foundation and core element of the development of projects and determines whether a project can run in a long-term.

In terms of resources, IOST has received support from almost all mainstream trading platforms and mainstream media, including Jinse Finance, Coin World, China’s National TV, Sina … In addition, IOST is the first project to be invited to China’s National TV and the Great Hall of the People to give a special speech. Not only that, IOST also has more than 400 partners worldwide in its complete and rich ecosystem .

IOST’s implementations and unique & dedicated applications have achieved results, providing targeted blockchain solutions for government and enterprises. We also hope to participate in the “IOST’s One-Stop Blockchain-as-a-Service Platform” and become a part of the blockchain business ecosystem.”

In the future, IOST and the Coinbene Research Institute will continue to deepen cooperation to promote blockchain technology innovation and industry development; for brand co-construction, digital finance, government-enterprise cooperation, etc., and expand the application and innovative development of blockchain technology. Together, we will create an open and win-win blockchain business ecosystem, thereby promoting the prosperity and development of the digital economy and the real economy.

Coinbene official blog:

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