New Yield Farming Launched on IOST- 1.6M USD of IOST Locked In 1 Minute

IOST Foundation
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2021

Disclaimer: Donnie Finance is developed by third-party developers. The information provided here does not constitute any investment advice. IOST bears no responsibility or liability for any loss which players may experience. Please contact the DApp team directly for any questions.

9 March 2021, Donnie Finance successfully launched its first service, ‘Checking & Saving.’ Within the first minute, Donnie saw Total Value Locked (TVL) increase over 2 million USD worth of IOST, DON, HUSD, PPT participated.

This is just the start of the project. Governance Token, DON, will be distributed to early participants of each of the six services. Total of 6M DON Tokens, 1M DON / each service. Currently, the team is distributing the first 1M DON to users.

To expand the service and draw attention from the crypto market, the Donnie team soon will be launching ERC20 token deposits, such as WBTC, USDT, COMP, and more tokens that the community needs. On top of deposits, Donnie is expected to announce more partnerships regarding cross-chain, NFT, and Defi SOON.

For an easier and better experience in participating in the service, here is the detailed guide for IOST Users.

Guide to Participate in DON Yield Farming

How to purchase DON?

  • Currently, DON is listed on Coinone, Bigone, and iostdex. More listings will be announced shortly.

How to farm DON Token?

  • Currently, 4 Pools (IOST Network tokens) are open to the public : IOST, DON, HUSD, PPT

1. Install IOST wallet: iWallet and/or Jetstream.

  • Donnie Finance is running on top of IOST Network, an “ultra-fast” and “decentralized” blockchain network based on the next-generation consensus algorithm “Proof of Believability” (PoB). Therefore, Must Install iWallet and/or Jetstream. Tokenpocket is not available yet but will be available soon. Detailed guide for tutorial for Jetstream & iWallet Guide
  • You can also create a Free IOST Wallet with this guide

2. Connect to Donnie.Finance

3. Purchase the IOST, DON, HUSD, or PPT from the exchange and deposit to install your own IOST Wallet

*Don’t Forget to enter EXACT ADDRESS, we can’t help to find the token.

*If you have ERC20 DON Token, or we are supporting ERC20 Tokens, You MUST Swap the token on Donnie.Finance before farming

4. Then, Select the Pool that you want to stake and farm the DON Token

*All Deposits, Withdrawals, and Harvest are done through the IOST network and Contract. approve button will appear once you sign the contract.

5. Then You can Withdrawal, Harvest anytime you want to withdrawal!

NOW, Enjoy the Farming and please stay tuned for more updates, listings, and information!

For more information, please visit Donnie Finance(DON)’s Official Community:

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