Malaysia Smart City Alliance Association (MSCA)

MSCA — The Answer to Smart Cities in Malaysia?

Time to get real, to get off the ground.

Mazlan Abbas
IoT World
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2024


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Just the other day, I stumbled upon a heated discussion on WhatsApp about the hurdles of rolling out Smart City projects in Malaysia. And there’s also a similar discussion on Facebook.

The thread was bursting at the seams with skepticism and a whole lot of negativity.

It’s too complex!” someone exclaimed. “We’re just not ready,” chimed in another.

Reading through, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. It’s a familiar tune, this chorus of doubts and pessimism.

But here’s the thing — I’ve been in the trenches with the Malaysia Smart City Alliance Association (MSCA), a melting pot of government bodies, industry giants, academic minds, and individual enthusiasts all buzzing with one common goal: to give Smart City initiatives in Malaysia a real shot.

As an Exco member, I’ve had a front-row seat to the evolution of this dream, from lofty ideas to actionable strategies.

I have the opportunity to sit in high-level meetings, exchange firm handshakes with government officials, be invited as a smart city speaker, or dive deep into panel discussions at conferences.

Sounds pretty standard for this kind of gig, right?

But let me tell you a little secret the real magic happens in those off-the-record moments.

You know, those coffee breaks, casual lunches, or the quick, hushed conversations that sidestep the formalities.

That’s where you get the unfiltered insights, the candid feedback, the kind of valuable nuggets you just can’t mine from a PowerPoint slide.

And guess what? It feels like we’re finally getting somewhere.

MSCA has become this incredible platform where all these diverse voices can come together, not just to talk the talk but to walk the walk — technically, financially, you name it.

Malaysia’s approach to Smart Cities is getting sharper, more focused. Instead of this massive, unwieldy Smart City Framework, we’re breaking it down into digestible, actionable plans tailored for States or Local Councils.

It’s like we’ve finally found the compass after years of wandering in the wilderness.

We’ve got these Smart City indicators now, a roadmap of sorts that helps local councils pinpoint exactly what they need to prioritize to earn their Smart City stripes.

No more shooting in the dark, claiming Smart City status without the official recognition to back it up.

We’re talking a full spectrum here, from early adopters dabbling in simple online services to the big leagues leveraging IoT and AI solutions.

Reflecting on the journey from when I first started talking Smart Cities back in 2015, it’s been one heck of a ride.

From the chaos and confusion to where we stand now, it’s a night-and-day difference.

The path ahead is clearer, and while the skeptics on social media might not see it yet, we’re no longer lost.

We’ve got a direction, a purpose, and, most importantly, a plan.

So, to all the naysayers out there, I get it. Change is hard, skepticism is easy.

But take it from someone on the inside — we’re on the brink of something big.

Malaysia’s Smart City dream? It’s not just a pipe dream anymore.

It’s happening, one small, smart step at a time.

