Delegate of the Month #1 — Our Contributions (Monthly update #1)

Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2019

The first ever “Delegate of the Month” (DOTM) vote for IoTeX is now open. DOTM was introduced by the IoTeX Foundation as a way to recognise the efforts of the delegates who are more active in the community. Iotxplorer, amongst other delegates were vocal in the need for something like this, to make all delegate contributions open and appreciated, and in turn, have a more active ecosystem!

In the first 3 months since mainnet has launched we have done a lot of work. This post will be used to summarise that work and show you why we deserve your vote — we’d love to win the first ever DOTM badge!

Iotxplorer — Blockchain Explorer

The blockchain explorer was our first ever product. We were even lucky enough for its launched to be announced by the IoTeX team in the first ever Delegate Showcase!

The block explorer provides useful information on all actions, blocks, and contract executions on the IoTeX network and serves as an alternative to iotexscan. Some innovations include keeping track of the current delegate producer by name, generating unique, deterministic avatars associated with each IoTeX address, and including a member’s portal for their voters to track rewards history.

The Iotxplorer block explorer is currently the only block explorer where you can check all IoTeX XRC-20 token balances (such as VITA) without logging into a wallet.

Screenshot of an address on the block explorer

Iotxplorer — Voter Dashboard

In addition to the block explorer, we also created a voter dashboard, just for voters of Iotxplorer. It contains useful charts to see how rewards have varied over time, and also includes a accurate ROI calculation based on the live state of the network election contract.

Screenshot of Iotxplorer Voter Dashboard

Iotxplorer — Delegate Insights

Following the delivery of the dashboard and block explorer, we utilised the newly created IoTeX Analytics APIs to create a Delegate Insights page as a resource within the block explorer. This page creates transparency across ALL delegates, because it allows voters to check their vote percentage, total delegate rewards, total delegate productivity, and more. In the future it will be able to track delegate reward payments to ensure that they are paying as promised.

Delegate Insights:

Iotxplorer — Education

As well as adding value and providing utility, Iotxplorer’s other goal is to legitimise cryptocurrency through education. This is why, in addition to the above, the iotxplorer website hosts an open source documentation page dubbed ‘’, where we host links, videos and guides about IoTeX and crypto. It is a great resource for newcomers to learn everything they need about IoTeX in one place, and provides in depth guides and explanations for those a little more entrenched, such as developers or prospective delegates.

Iotxplorer Education — Homepage

We have also written educational articles for the community:

We will continue these going forward, with a long case study currently being written, delving into IoTeX vs IOTA.

Iotxplorer — Twitter Robot

Lastly, we have programmed a Twitter robot for various uses in the IoTeX ecosystem. Primarily it was used to automatically tweet to our voters when we distribute rewards, how much we distribute and how much was earned.

Most recently however, we have extended functionality for it to become a Tipping Bot, where Twitter users can tip eachother IOTX using the bot and their Twitter screen name. We currently have a competition on going to celebrate its launch.

Example Twitter tip

And finally, in addition to all of the above, the founder and currently sole operator of Iotxplorer, Kits, has been nominated for Brand Ambassador of the month twice, and came 2nd place once in the 3 month period. It’s been a busy period!

How To Vote?

Voting will be open from August 13, 10pm PT to August 20, 10pm PT. All IoTeX stakeholders are eligible to vote — each IoTeX wallet will have 3 total votes for 3 different candidates.

As long as you are staking with some delegate on IoTeX (it doesn’t have to be with us), you can vote via smart contract on the IoTeX Polls page: It is very simple, just click the correct poll, log into metamask, and click vote!

No matter how much IOTX you’re staking, everyone gets 3 votes. It’s fair and decentralised.

We hope that the above will convince you to vote for us for DOTM and as a delegate, and as always we deeply appreciate the support we have from our voters which has allowed us this far.


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An open source collective dedicated to adding value to the IoTeX network.