Surprise! The first rewards have been officially distributed!

Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2019

Check your wallets! We have distributed the very FIRST rewards from the IoTeX network.

You may be unaware, but us delegates were compensated for our work during the mainnet rehearsal. We didn’t get the same rewards as we will when the mainnet launches, so no bonuses, but we did receive rewards for the blocks we mined. Although sharing block rewards isn’t in our rewards plan we thought our supporters deserved some share, and as always we want to be transparent about the rewards we receive.

Based on our current position in the rankings at the time of writing, we estimate to distribute around 6000 IOTX per day to all of you (in proportion to your votes, so 6000 * your percent share). If our votes go up, that will go up. So to give you a taste we’re sharing ~6000 + 3000 IOTX, with the 3000 being a thank you bonus. Now just think about receiving that every single day! Way better than your coins sitting around in your wallet doing nothing.

We hope this will start a trend and the voters of other delegates will share their rehearsal rewards too — the IoTeX community certainly deserves it! Thank you.


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