39 Interesting Ways to Use the IS-01 Interactive Whiteboard System in Your Class — Part 3

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4 min readAug 13, 2014

Need more inspirations to make learning fun for kids with IS-01? Here’s part 3 of the 39 ways to use IS-01.

21. Teach music
Virtual pianos, interactive sheet music, and apps like GarageBand are just some of the options out there when it comes to teaching and creating music. Whether it’s serious songwriting or playful experimentation (like the mesmerizing ToneMatrix tool), interactive music never gets old.

Teach music

22. Encourage group note taking
During independent study time, encourage students to approach the board and write down anything they’ve found interesting or useful (like a math formula) for the day’s lesson. Save these “group notes” in order to refer back to them later.

Encourage group note taking

23. Take advantage of virtual manipulatives
What’s a virtual manipulative? These are objects that can be manipulated digitally (in this case, with the Interactive Pen). This can include, for example, cubes which can be separated and moved to help teach fractions, measurements, geometry and more.

Take advantage of virtual manipulatives

24. Empower students to create their own interactives
Students love those times when they’re in control of learning. With just a little bit of know-how and time, students can be taught to create their own interactives to challenge fellow students. They can even create games like mazes, trivia, vocab builders and matching games.

Empower students to create their own interactives

25. Mark up an essay
Take an essay from one of your students and correct it in real time for the benefit of the class. You’ll get the chance to teach about better essay construction as well as introduce students to proofreaders’ marks.

Take an essay from one of your students and correct it in real time for the benefit of the class.

26. Make algebra more interactive
When you use a math app that makes numbers and mathematical symbols movable, you have a way to manipulate and solve algebra problems at the board. Students can come to appreciate order of operations, the fact that negative signs travel with numbers, and much more.

27. Keep score, mark time
Create an interactive scoreboard for in-class competitions to keep the lessons fresh and exciting. You can also use a digital stopwatch (which can be used by you or your students) for time-sensitive activities.

Create an interactive scoreboard for in-class competitions to keep the lessons fresh and exciting.

28. Solve virtual jigsaw puzzles
There are some fun resources (like JigsawPlanet) that take images and break them into puzzle pieces which can then be manipulated and moved. Great as a reward or recreation activity.

Solve virtual jigsaw puzzles

29. Create and share photo collages
Shapecollage.com has an easy and free program to make photo collages with a few clicks. Collages are great as “ice-breakers” for students to introduce themselves (their interests, their family, their pet) at the start of the school year, for just one example.

Create and share photo collages

30. Develop an interactive dashboard for the class
iGoogle may have been discontinued in 2013, but there are still good alternatives out there (likeNetVibes) for creating dynamic, customizable content on a single page (dashboard) or small handful of pages. Today’s schedule, slide shows, learning app of the week, important notes, monthly calendar, quotation of the day – these could all be displayed and interacted with through your IS-01 system. It’d be an awesome way to start the day and get everyone on the same page.

Develop an interactive dashboard for the class

39 Interesting Ways to Use the IS-01 Interactive Whiteboard System in Your Class — Part 1

39 Interesting Ways to Use the IS-01 Interactive Whiteboard System in Your Class — Part 2

39 Interesting Ways to Use the IS-01 Interactive Whiteboard System in Your Class — Part 3




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