Continue to work and play remotely with IPEVO’s document cameras

Continue to work and play remotely with IPEVO’s document cameras

Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2020


During these unprecedented times, it may seem that group game nights were a thing of the past. And for some professionals, the inability to give live presentations or share physical materials up close could hinder work productivity. However, thanks to IPEVO’s document cameras, communities can continue playing their favorite games and sharing their work product with a small, intuitive camera that sets up instantly. Read on to learn how IPEVO’s document cameras are allowing for seamless remote play and work around the globe.

Board Game Nights in Barcelona
In Barcelona, Spain, the Research Director of sngular, Sarah Rink, used an IPEVO document camera to coordinate a session of Carcassone, the popular tile-based board game for two to five players. Despite the board game’s small, physical elements, the document camera clearly captured the physical setup for all participants to see. And when used with the Zoom app on her computer, it allowed for live and real-time interaction between all five board game players.

Global, Visual Webinars
Benjamin Felis, a Visual Facilitator, Expert, and Graphic Recorder in Berlin, Germany, used the V4K document camera to teach a 60-person webinar with participants from 35 different countries. With a plug and play design, V4K connected to his laptop instantly. Together with an added light source and a third-party video conferencing app, Benjamin was able to display his visual teaching materials to all participants.

Benjamin also utilized the document camera to provide support and comfort for those struggling in Berlin during these times. With the V4K document camera, Benjamin moderated an 80-person virtual meetup that discussed the current epidemic, visualizing all participants’ feelings and thoughts with his live, shared illustrations.

Accounting and Mobile App Training
For Dustin Wheeler, a CPA from Lehi, Utah, “The usefulness of a document camera goes beyond live presentations. One thing accountants [also] do frequently is document capture.” Specifically, Dustin uses the VZ-R document camera to capture pictures in rapid succession — something that his cell phone, document feeder, and flatbed scanner can not do.

In addition to its recordkeeping function, the IPEVO’s VZ-R document camera also proved useful during video conferencing for the CPA. Due to the document camera’s plug and play capability, it instantly appeared as a video device in Zoom. Dustin was able to perform his training for mobile apps by simply holding his cell phone underneath the document camera and pointing to functions on his cell phone screen. This method was much more convenient than sharing his cell phone screen via the Zoom mobile app as viewers could follow along and see where he tapped his fingers.

Left: Screenshot taken in a Zoom video call with IPEVO doc camera as the video device. Right: The actual setup. Photo credit:

Regardless of where you are in the world right now, you can still keep in touch with your friends, bond over gaming, and continue your job duties uninterrupted. Stay connected, keep gaming, and remain focused at work with IPEVO document cameras!

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