
An Old Friend

A Free Verse Poem

James G Brennan
Published in
1 min readJul 7, 2020



It was a slow build,
Coming, sure.
Sometimes I’m impatient,
Sometimes I forget
And here it is,
Warm, welcoming,
Like an old friend
I have not seen for a while.

We have so much in common,
Why did we wait so long?
Stupid …..
We travel so far together,
Down the corridors of
Reminiscence we tried to avoid,
Here we are again!

Not strengthened by time,
Just; nothing.
Not wiser.
Reliving an experience
We said we were bored of.
Why are we here again?
We forget,
We lie back,
We Sleep, awake,
Not awakened.
Not versed, not wise.

Thank you for reading. J.

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James G Brennan

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.