The Will

So Much Depends Upon… A Poetry Challenge

Krystyna Szul
Feb 25, 2023


Photo by Ibrahim Rifath on Unsplash

Thank you CDTPPW for tagging me in So Much At Stake. I accept with joy. Below is my response to this wonderful challenge, originally started by Sheri Jacobs

The purpose of this challenge is to use the following poem, by William Carlos Williams, as your base:

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

Here is my attempt —

so much depends

the last leaf,
already turned golden

not falling
to the ground

already shrouded
with frost

Inspired by a short story by O’Henry, titled: “The Last Leaf,” and by the pandemic we’ve been trying to live through. Above all, inspired by the power of friendship. I fantasize William Carlos Williams would like it as a poet, but also as a medical doctor. :)



Krystyna Szul

A poet/writer-wannabe. A child, learning to walk in the literary world, finding joy in a sandbox of words. Lover of laughter, nature, animals, and good people.