The Week in #Iran Social Media

3 min readAug 22, 2014

Top of the tops August 15–22

A real mix bag of treats from this week. None of the ISIS horrorshow made it to the top! #ISISMEDIABLACKOUT. A low horror dose Meidoon Watch for you, and yours.

Man Dead After Beating By Tehran Municipal Workers

Beat it!

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I am going to take this from the top, in hopes of clarifying this piece of horrible news I’ve been seeing all week.

Tehran’s municipal body has a special pack that goes around town and stops “illegal” businesses who do not have fixed locations and work without permits (imagine your local busker). A number of these lovely gentlemen came across a man, Ali, parked on the side of the street, and tried to confiscate his van. Ali refused, and asked for the police to be present. The men beat Ali with a variety of weapons, and fled, while his son watched, restricted to the car.

A video of Ali, after the beating. His 14 year old son, accompanying him.

Ali suffered serious injuries and died in the hospital a couple of days later. He was a father of two and a husband.

The Mayor has said that this kind of thing happens all the time, and shouldn’t be a matter of concern. Cool.

People reading this are feeling outraged, with a touch of helpless.

91 Year Old Returns Honorary Medal From Israel

Better Late Than Never

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Henk Zanoli was awarded the title of Righteous Among The Nations, and a Medal for hiding a Jewish boy during the second World War.

Last Week’s airstrikes in Gaza killed a number of Zanoli’s extended family, and the irony hit him, and he returned the medal.

“After the horror of the Holocaust my family strongly supported the Jewish people also with regard to their aspirations to build a national home,”

“Over more than six decades I have however slowly come to realize that the Zionist project had from its beginning a racist element in it in aspiring to build a state exclusively for Jews,”

Read more here!

P.S. Erdogan also returned a medal awarded to him by the American jewish Committee.

Cambridge Chocolate PhD


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While the world burns in flames, some good news: The prestigious University of Cambridge will provide three full years of funding for you to play with chocolate!

The job is to figure out how to keep chocolate nice and firm in warm conditions. Unfortunately, a sweet tooth by itself won’t help. You also need to have skills in physics, engineering and scientific experimentation.

Apply here

Lina, Afghanistan’s Finnish Grandmother

Nonnative Native

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For World Humanitarian Day, BBC Persian featured the profile of Lina, a Finnish woman who has been living and working years in Afghanistan for 43 . Lina was 29 when she first came to Afghanistan in 1971 to deliver medical care. The profile chronicles her life throughout all of Afghanistan’s (too many) wars. A warm story, that is making some think about how hard we make it to help others as Iranians, who are so close to Afghans.

Rouhani Bans Antonov-74 Planes From Flying


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After the Tehran-140 crash last week, the brother plane of the said delinquent plane has also been banned from flying due to safety reasons.

(The Tehran 140 is a home-assembled version of Antonov 140)


Written by Arta, Trend Analyst at ASL19, for : Joint project between the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, andASL19




Meidoon tracks and ranks trending content read and shared by Iranians on Social media. Here, we try to tell the stories behind the numbers and trends.