IRISnet is selected into first batch of public blockchains supported by BSN

IRISnet Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2020

On July 20, 2020, the Block-chain-based Service Network (BSN) announced that IRISnet is among the first batch of public blockchains selected for integration. This integration will better support public blockchain service, one of the “three main services” provided by BSN with the other two being consortium blockchain service and interchain service. IRISnet’s integration will enable developers to connect to IRISnet and the entire Cosmos ecosystem with speed and low cost through the IRISnet node provided by BSN; it further supports reliable data and service exchanges between heterogeneous blockchains and off-chain systems.

About BSN

BSN is supported by major Chinese entities and corporations, and its founding consortia partners include China’s State Information Center, China Mobile, China UnionPay, and other organizations. Having close-Beta testing that began in October 2019, BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework blockchain-based infrastructure network.

BSN integrates cloud resources, network bandwidth, underlying frameworks, operating environment, certificate management, development SDK and gateway API together to provide developers one-stop-shop to deploy and manage all kinds of DApps conveniently and at low cost.

Integration effects

The integration of BSN and IRISnet will bring multi-win effects for all types of participants in the whole ecosystem:further enhance security and decentralization of IRISnet; offer IRISnet developers with convenient, low-cost and flexible application development support; at the same time, also provide more and better functional support to promote the BSN platform as a global infrastructure network.

  • Enhance network security of IRIS Hub: The IRISnet node run by the BSN platform provide infrastructure support for the IRIS Hub mainnet, and at the same time make IRIS Hub more decentralized, safer and more reliable. In the future, if BSN supports users to independently manage and operate IRIS Hub node, IRIS Foundation will also consider offering rewards to validator nodes running on BSN in due course (the specific reward is subject to the official announcement in the future).
  • Offer more convenient DApp development support: Developers can develop and test on-chain applications based on the interface of the IRISnet node that runs stably in the BSN environment; they can also implement convenient on-chain transaction encapsulation through the Cosmos/IRIS SDK integrated by the city nodes, and the public blockchain middleware integration service provided by BSN also simplify the development and maintenance of developers.
  • Provide a new paradigm of blockchain development for cross-system services: Developers can use a variety of methods to flexibly develop based on IRISnet’s integration of BSN. To be more specific, they can integrate existing systems and make full use of existing information infrastructure via iService. In the future, it is possible for them to depend on iService to access various services on IRIS Hub, such as PlatON’s privacy computing service, Chainlink’s oracle service, Kava’s DeFi application, etc.; Moreover, developers can also interact with the Cosmos ecosystem and other blockchain networks via IBC.

Next Steps:

IRISnet will continue to maintain close collaboration with BSN, planning to further collaborate on multiple aspects: developing, operating, training, etc.

  • Provide more support to data and services interchain interoperability: IRISnet core development team will further support data and services interoperability by developing IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) , refactoring iService, and other efforts, so that on-chain applications developed based on the BSN platform can enjoy iService on IRIS Hub, and access to other blockchain networks through IBC from IRIS Hub.
  • Provide more support to developers: Application development for cross-chain and multi-blockchains will bring new experience and challenges to developers. In the future, IRISnet is going to provide more support to developers and help them prepare for the following new challenges. Combined with the BSN platform, IRISnet, according to the whole project process, plans to organize many developer-oriented activities in the fourth quarter of this year or early next year, which will include the developers training about cosmos/IRIS SDK, IBC and iService, also Hackathon, developer rewards programs and so on. In this way, more developers can have in-depth knowledge about IRISnet’s development and also BSN platform by participating in these activities, further creating and developing more blockchain applications that can promote the real economy.

About IRISnet

IRIS Network (a.k.a. IRISnet) is designed to be the foundation for next generation distributed business applications — a BPoS Blockchain that is self-evolutionary.

IRIS Hub, which is the first hub launched in Cosmos ecosystem, can support interchain transfer not only towards token, but also towards data and computing resource among heterogeneous systems and networks. IRIS Hub can achieve interchain interoperability through a unified service model and provide multiple modules to support applications.

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IRISnet Blog

Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.