IRISnet Monthly Report

2020.08 — Community & Technical Recap

IRISnet Blog
8 min readSep 7, 2020


Hi Community,
Welcome back to IRISnetwork monthly recap!

Another incredible month is behind us:
among the many details revealed about the collaboration with BSN (mark 31st October!), the new possibility to develop a dAPP through the Public Chain Node Service, and the launch of Cosmos’s Stargate-1(where IRISnet is one of the first 4 validators) we never had a break!
I’m really happy to see so many new people in our community, and I would like to thank them for bringing enthusiasm and new opportunities for dialogue inside our social channels.
I also thank those who have been supporting us for a long time and who have never stopped contributing to this wonderful project.

Get ready for an incredible adventure called Bifrost!

⭐ Ecosystem Updates ⭐

IRISnet — BSN Partnership

  • BSN launched the new BSN Global Portal,
    where IRISnet is pointed as one of the partners of this visionary project!
  • Developers, experience IRISnet technology now!
    Develop your first dApp using the Public Chain Node Service provided by BSN!
    Here the tutorial to get started with the best tools provided to you by those amazing partners!
  • Looking forward to the launch of the BSN testnet, in which IRISnet is deeply involved?
    Read the latest updates in this blog and set the countdown for October 31st!

A Halloween that will stay in history!

IRIS Hub Bifrost Testnet

IRISnet’s DeFi and Interchain Testnet Bifrost launched on Sept 2nd!
Jump on board and discover what incredible new features the next upgrade will bring to the IRIS Hub!
The Era of the Internet of Blockchains is getting closer!
Here a quick overview of the changes that Bifrost will bring:

New DeFi Features
• NFT, Record and other new modules
• Upgraded and enhanced iService
• Oracle function
• Random function

Cosmos SDK
• Migrate on-chain data encoding to Protobuf
• Bring Inter-Blockchain Communication
• Bring upgrade automation

The existing functions on IRIS Hub, such as Coinswap and other use cases combined with IBC interchain token transfer, will be tested and verified.
IRISnet intends to organize activities as Bug Bounty and Hackathon when Bifrost will reach the v1.0-rc stage (release candidate).

Discover how to join the testnet!

Read the Full BlogPost

IRISnet — Cosmos Network

Stargate testnet was launched and IRISnet was one of the 4 initial validators!
Find out how the team intends to be an active part of the revolution that will bring IBC on Cosmos Network, elevating its potential to infinity!

Bifrost Testnet will run side by side with Stargate’s one to support Cosmos Interchain vision, to test the multi-HUB collaboration through the IBC protocol.


Looking for an Uniswap-like implementation on Cosmos Network?IRISnet Core team has made available Coinswap on IRIS Hub mainnet since its version v.0.16.

Soon its functionality will be improved thanks to the new release of the Cosmos-SDK & the upcoming IBC protocol!

IRISnet — MYKEY Partnership

MYKEY Labs has established a strategic partnership with IRISnet
to continue to innovate through close collaboration and jointly contribute to the prosperity & development of the blockchain ecosystem.
Here mentioned the principal goals:

Digital identity
MYKEY will provide industry-leading digital identity and Smart Wallet solutions and technology & IRISnet will bring them into the IRISnet and Cosmos ecosystems through developing on-chain distributed identity (DID) modules.

Cross-chain services
Through IRISnet’s interchain service hub, MYKEY network will be able to connect to blockchains supported by IRISnet and provide end-users with a convenient cross-chain DeFi and asset management experience.

Harriet Cao about the new partnership:
“As a multi-chain smart wallet, MYKEY lowered the barrier for users to experience the digital life, and on the other hand, the cross-chain capability of IRISnet lowered the entrance barrier for service providers and consumers.”

Read the full BlogPost

$IRIS Distribution Updates

⭐ Technical Updates ⭐

Rainbow Wallet

-Updated new blessings for the red packets (Hongbao)
-Prepared the development of a testing version based on Bifrost Testnet

Scan the QR code to download the mainnet version


-Prepared to launch productized explorer
• Added the iService, NFT and Identity modules
• Supported the detailed display of the multi-message transaction type
• Supported the detailed display of the IBC-Recv_Packet transaction type
• Updated the productized setting of explorer including the theme color, logo, name, module and other branded elements

-Prepared the development of Bifrost explorer based on Bifrost Testnet


-Upgraded Cosmos-SDK to the latest version
-Updated the documents for irishub installment and usage
-Fixed Bugs
-Released irishub v1.0.0-alpha

⭐ Community Updates ⭐

Validator Rewards Program

To thank its Wallet Rainbow Validators for the support shown to the project, IRISnet has planned to selects up to 3 Validators monthly, rewarding them with 10k $IRIS!
Let’s meet July’s Winners: Satomshi, Nodeasy and itokenpool

Validators, you are still in time to participate!
Follow these steps and join the competition:
• Become an IRISnet validator
• Actively engage our community
Fill out the application form!

Read more about the initiative!

Delegators Double Rewards & Token Burn Plan

The fourth implementation of the community-centric delegation campaign & the second one-year Token Burn Plan are complete!
Read more in the blog post and don’t forget to delegate your $IRIS with and every month to get the double of the rewards!
What are you waiting for?

Delegate now: secure the network and start earning!

Campaign Announcement BlogPost

IRISnet-Bianjie Genesis Validator of IOV mainnet

On Aug 26th IOV successfully operated the migration of the to Cosmos-SDK and the IRISnet-Bianjie team is proud to keep supporting this journey as mainnet validator!

Looking for an exciting adventure together!


  • On August 11 Zhiwei Hu, Research Director at IRISnet, participated in an AMA hosted by Binance in their main telegram channel.
    Main Topics: IRIsnet project, its Relation with Cosmos Network, $IRIS use cases, Major Collaboration & Technical Updates.
    Here you can find the transcription.
  • On August 28 Harriet Cao joined Yifan He|BSN, Daniel Lv|Nervos Network & Hao|SNZ Holding in a panel at ChainLink SmartCon.
    At the question “How would you envision our industry be like in 1–3 years?”, Miss Harriet replied “Flourishing Internet of Blockchains”.

Jeffrey Hu, new Persistence’s Advisor

Zhiwei Hu, a recognized expert regarding DeFi, Product R&D & Chinese Cryptocurrency ecosystem, was appointed as new Persistence‘s Strategy Advisor!

Congratulations Jeffrey!

Official Announcement

IRISnet NyanCat on Twitter

The Purr-fect Mascot landed on Twitter ❤
Follow our @irisnetnyancat and stay updated on the latest about IRISnet, IRITA, and Rainbow Wallet.

Get yourself a full dose of cuteness!

Contents from the IRISnet community

  • “This week in IRISnetwork”, a weekly update by Daniela
    Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
  • IRISnet is proud to represent DEX & Oracle categories in the Cosmos Network ecosystem overview presented by Chjango Unchained:
    As a long-time active contributor, the Core team looks forward to taking on new challenges together!
  • Helen Partz|Cointelegraph mentions IRITA chain and IRISnet’s integration with BSN in her article “China’s National Blockchain Network Launches International Website”.

⭐ IRISnet Glossary ⭐


IRISnet (a.k.a IRIS Hub) is designed to be the foundation for the next-generation distributed applications.
Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRIS Hub enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model, while providing a variety of modules to support DeFi applications.


Inter-Realm Industry Trust Alliance (IRITA) is the 1st enterprise-level permissioned blockchain product in the Cosmos ecosystem Powered by Tendermint and IRIS SDK.
It has 6 core technical advantages such as privacy-protecting data sharing with authorization, highly efficient consensus protocol, cutting-edge cross-chain technology, highly practical on/off-chain inter-operation capabilities, flexible digital asset modeling and exchange, and business analytics powered by big data.
Thus IRITA can be widely used in various industries, such as the financial industry, providing value-based on blockchain trust machines.

Rainbow Wallet

Rainbow Wallet supports both IRIS Hub and Cosmos Hub.

Rainbow Wallet is positioned to support the IBC transfer and iService that IRISnet and Cosmos will realize in the future. It is a light mobile client that combines the advantages of centralization and decentralization.

Download Rainbow Wallet & Follow the tutorial to get started


Blockchain explorer for IRIS Hub, which includes explorer-backend and explorer-frontend.


IRISnet Community,

Stay tuned so you won’t miss out on any of the exciting new events that are coming soon! With collaborations, incentivized testnet, Hackatom, and much more to come, everyone will have the space to express themselves and bring their personal contribution to the IRIS Network ecosystem!

See you next month and, as always… Asgard!

💌 Community Channels

English Telegram
Chinese Telegram
Korean Telegram
Korean KakaoTalk
Philippines Telegram
Italian Telegram
French Telegram
Hispanic Telegram
•WeChat subscription: irisnetwork
•WeChat group: irisnetwork2018

