IRISnet Monthly Update

2020.10 — Community & Technical Recap

IRISnet Blog
9 min readNov 4, 2020


Dear Community,

The long-awaited moment has finally arrived:
IRITA Hub has been successfully integrated to the BSN Interchain Communications Hub
as the first step towards an Interchain Future and Bifrost has entered Phase-1 unlocking new functionalities & rewards for those who participate in the incentivized testnet.

Seen from the outside, though the incredible achievements, it doesn’t seem that things have changed much in the IRISnet ecosystem, don’t you think?
No acclaims, pompous announcements, overwhelming marketing campaigns: just the good old hard work that is done day after day by Core team, Bianjie.

Maybe this is their secret: keeping the eyes fixed on the horizon and living the end of each challenge as an exciting new beginning.
For those who work with passion there will always be another line of code to fix, another implementation to finish …
Perfection does not exist, but with dedication nothing is impossible.

⭐ Ecosystem Updates ⭐

IRISnet — BSN Partnership

IRISnet’s BSN Devs Portal
Soon you will be able to register to the new IRISnet portal for BSN International!
We look forward to seeing you create with the tools we will put at your disposal!
Don’t forget to share with us your projects and your expectations, we’ll do our best to help you to ship the best works!

, the interchain service developed by IRISnet’s Core team, is LIVE on BSN’s Interchain Communications Hub (ICH).
ICH can now achieve its goal to become the “Internet of the Blockchains”.
IRITA Hub’s integration is an essential step for ICH to achieve interoperability among blockchains, making reliable communications in the BSN network and external networks.

IRIS Hub Bifrost Testnet

🚀Bifrost Phase-1 is here
IRISnet’s DeFi and interchain Testnet, Bifrost, launched its Phase-1 on October 19th along with incentivized tasks!

This phase is intended for:
Testing Service function, including the service creation, binding, request, response, service fees withdrawal, etc.
Testing Oracle function, querying the response value of the running Oracle
Testing Record function, including creating and querying records
Testing NFT function, including issuing, minting, editing, transferring, and burning NFT tokens
Testing Random function, requesting random numbers with or without Oracle

Incentivized tasks
Rewards will be distributed in the form of NFT badges within the Bifrost testnet, and there will be three reward levels (Gold/Sliver/Bronze) according to the percentage of achievement of tasks. These NFT badges can circulate and transfer in the Bifrost testnet and the upgraded IRIS Hub mainnet, which means they are not only icons of honor, but can also be changed into tokens.
Rules to join the competition

IRIS Foundation’s Tech-Grants Program

The IRIS Foundation has launched many support programs to facilitate the healthy development of the IRISnet interchain ecosystem, such as the Community-Centric Delegation Campaign.
Now, the IRIS Foundation created a Tech-Grants Program to fund devs that contribute to the growth of IRISnet Hub and the ecosystem.

The Program is mainly focused on the tech-development & infrastructure building, which include:

  • DApps (e.g. leverage Coinswap, HTLC, iServices to build your applications on IRIS HUB)
  • Tools (e.g. i-Service tools)
  • Modules of IRIS SDK
  • Protocols (e.g. cross-chain, consensus, privacy computing)

How to apply

IRISnet x StarryMedia

StarryMedia is the 1st project rewarded with an IRIS Foundation’s Tech-Grant!

Uptick is an NFT digital asset application from StarryMedia with the functions to issue, mint, edit, transfer and burn NFT tokens.

Uptick will firstly participate in IRISnet’s DeFi and interchain testnet Bifrost; and then after the fully testing, Uptick will be available on IRISnet mainnet to provide interchain NFT application services for IRISnet users as well as other networks users through cross-chain technology.

IRISnet x KuChain

KuChain & IRISnet announced the establishment of Joint Labs|TiLabs!
Ti-Labs aims to incubate and support projects with the Cosmos gene & spread awareness about open-source valuable projects.

Running on the back of a think-tank that is fueled by the intelligence of the masterminds behind KuChain and IRISnet, TiLabs will shoulder the responsibility of enlightening the whole Cosmos ecosystem.

Ti-Labs will not just hold regular meetings for information sharing and integration between the tech teams in regard to the development progress across various verticals in the Cosmos ecosystem, but will also bring forward-looking insights that will shed light on future development directions.

IRISnet x Cosmos Network

In the Cosmos Hub re-delegation campaign carried out by Tendermint, IRISnet-Bianjie is among the highest tier thanks to the Core team’s valuable work on pursuing a constant ecosystem growth & enrichment!

⭐ Technical Updates ⭐


Released Bifrost Testnet Explorer v0.2.0 and v0.2.1
• Supported the display of the multi-message transaction details
• Added new transaction types for Coinswap, Oracle, Random and Record
• Refactored the Staking module
• Supported the multi-asset display in the address details page
• Supported the networks switching function in the navigation bar


1. Released irishub v1.0.0-beta
• Optimized the rule for generating service request ID
• Optimized Random and Oracle modules for processing service response header
• Added the script for generating swagger documents
• Upgraded to Cosmos SDK v0.40.0-rc0
2. Added CLI test and gRPC test for modules

⭐ Community Updates ⭐

Rainbow Validator Rewards Program

To thank its Rainbow Validators for the support shown to the project, IRISnet has planned to selects up to 3 Validators monthly, rewarding them with 10k $IRIS!
Time to know the amazing Rainbow Validator of September!
Congratulations Bi23: we’re lucky to have you in our ecosystem!

Validators, you are still in time to participate!
Follow these steps and join the competition:
• Become an IRISnet validator
• Actively engage our community
Fill out the application form!

Delegators Double Rewards & Token Burn Plan

🔥Token Burn Plan
On September 30th the Foundation burned 2,217,938 $IRIS.

💰Delegators Double Rewards
The IRISnet Foundation released the double rewards as planned in the Community-centric delegation program!
To be precise, in September were distributed 600,469.1167 $IRIS: congratulations delegators!

Read more in the blog post and don’t forget to delegate your $IRIS with and every month to get double rewards!
What are you waiting for?

Delegate now: secure the network and start earning!


  • Watch the replay of the Cosmos Ecosystem Online Summit that happened on October 20th organized by Ourea Group & Akash Network! Speakers from IRISnet & Cosmos China: Zhiwei Hu| Research Director and Evie| Community Manager
  • A great meetup took place in Shanghai on October 27th with the participation of representatives from Nervos, Near, IRISnet, Red Date, IOSG VC, ChainNews, and Ourea Group. Among the Speakers Zhiwei Hu and Harriet Cao|IRISnet Co-Founder.
  • On October 29th Harriet Cao participated at TechNode China’s Emerge 2020 among Fudan University professor Michael Sung, and Sino Global Capital’s CEO Matthew Graham. One of her quotes: “In China, public blockchain technology development is highly supported but speculation in cryptocurrencies is not.
Follow IRISnet Nyan Cat on Twitter for CATomic insights from IRISnet Events & more!

IRISnet Workshop at HackAtom V

Starport — 5分钟搭建区块链

Watch the replay of the HackAtomV workshop lead by Da Huo 霍达 from the IRISnet Core Team, to learn how to make a Cosmos-SDK blockchain using Starport.
(Tutorial available in Chinese)

Persistence One StakeDrop Campaign x $IRIS

StakeDrop is a token distribution mechanism that allows $IRIS holders to receive an allocation of $XPRT (Persistence tokens) simply by staking!
Learn more about this initiative and how to participate in Persistence’s Community Channels.

IRISnet is Cosmoscan Pool Project Winner

Which project would you like to see most on Cosmos Scan between Kava, Terra, Binance & IRISnet?
With almost 47% of votes, IRISnet wipes out the competition!
Thanks community!

IRISnet Online Swag DShop

The IRISnet Community partnered with Origin Dshop to make available the best quality furniture with the $IRIS design signature!
Thanks Kenneth JB for making this happen!

Join us in the IRISnet Forum!

Do you have any proposals to improve the project?
Do you want to contribute with your ideas to the growth of the community?
IRISnet forum welcomes you!

We look forward to building our future together!

Contents from the IRISnet community

⭐ IRISnet Glossary ⭐


IRISnet (a.k.a IRIS Hub) is designed to be the foundation for the next-generation distributed applications.
Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRIS Hub enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model, while providing a variety of modules to support DeFi applications.


Inter-Realm Industry Trust Alliance (IRITA) is the 1st enterprise-level permissioned blockchain product in the Cosmos ecosystem Powered by Tendermint and IRIS SDK.
It has 6 core technical advantages such as privacy-protecting data sharing with authorization, highly efficient consensus protocol, cutting-edge cross-chain technology, highly practical on/off-chain inter-operation capabilities, flexible digital asset modeling and exchange, and business analytics powered by big data.
Thus IRITA can be widely used in various industries, such as the financial industry, providing value-based on blockchain trust machines.

Rainbow Wallet

Rainbow Wallet supports both IRIS Hub and Cosmos Hub.

Rainbow Wallet is positioned to support the IBC transfer and iService that IRISnet and Cosmos will realize in the future. It is a light mobile client that combines the advantages of centralization and decentralization.

Download Rainbow Wallet & Follow the tutorial to get started


Blockchain explorer for IRIS Hub, which includes explorer-backend and explorer-frontend.


IRISnet Community,

Here we are:
the Internet of Blockchains from being a distant star has become the base where we walk.
I won’t lie to you saying that from now on everything will be easy because when it comes to talking about innovation every day is made of unexpected discoveries and changes.
But there is one thing that I am certain about:

Whatever happens tomorrow, we will face it together.

💌 Community Channels

English Telegram
Chinese Telegram
Korean Telegram
Korean KakaoTalk
Philippines Telegram
Italian Telegram
French Telegram
Hispanic Telegram
•WeChat subscription: irisnetwork
•WeChat group: irisnetwork2018

