IRISnet Monthly Update

2022.06— Technology & Ecosystem & Community Recap

IRISnet Blog
3 min readJul 11, 2022



The first exciting news from June is that Terminet has announced API services for IRISnet builders🧑‍💻, to help devs better focus on their ideas and building out the applications. As we can tell, Web3 is a place where developers help developers. We wish to see more such efforts coming out from our community, and more enjoying the benefits of a safe, open, and quick network. 👉 Apply for IRIS Foundation Tech-grant

Being one of our focuses at the current stage, ICS721 interchain NFT transfers created by the IRISnet core dev team has completed the implementation code work and demo, and more exciting activities around this are imminent.

Also, the IBC cross-chain explorer —, is under intensive iteration. Its homepage has put on a new look in June and, more functions & new pages will be released soon…Read on to explore!

⭐Technical Updates⭐

interNFT (by the core dev team)


  1. Stage released v0.4
    • Stage released 4 new pages and 1 subpage: Relayer, Channels, Network and Tokens page, and Tokens Details subpage
    • Improved interaction logics
    • Created the Relayer Register repo and related docs
  2. Development of v0.4.5 is to be started
    • Support for Terra 2.0
    • Data update for Terra Classic
    • Update for chain name

⭐ Ecosystem Updates ⭐

ICS-721 Workgroup Meetings with Cosmos NFT eco frens

IRISnet attended the ICS-721 workgroup initiated by Gravity Bridge, together with Stargaze, OmniFlix, Juno, Regen and more Cosmos NFT eco frens, in order to accelerate the implementation of the IBC NFT transfers standard and facilitate Cosmos NFT adoption and utilization.

As the creator of the ICS-721 spec, the CTO at Bianjie (one of the core dev teams behind IRISnet) attended the regular meetings of the workgroup, sharing the process of current dev work, such as the implementation and demo.

IOBscan-IBC Has Put on New Look!

See the renewed homepage and explore intuitive functions and wide coverage of IBC chains here!

New pages and functions will go live soon!👀

Terminet Announced API Services for IRISnet Builders

On June 17, Terminet announced that it now provides API services for IRISnet builders who want to call the node API for use, to help them better focus on building applications.

Here’s the guide:

Start your IOB journey at any time!

Also for innovative builders/projects looking for support, don’t forget to check out the Tech-Grants Program👇

Incentives for Farming Pools Has Been Renewed

At the beginning of June we’ve announced the renewed incentives for ATOM-IRIS, BNB-IRIS, BUSD-IRIS Farming Pools in The renewed incentives will last for the next half a year.

⭐ Community Updates ⭐

The 15th Execution | Eco-development Funds Community Management Plan

In April 2021, the IRIS Foundation launched a new Ecosystem Development Program, which included the Eco-Development Funds Community Management Plan. The Foundation will undelegate about 300 million IRIS gradually, and then transfer these assets into the Community Pool in batches.

Now, there are more than 180,000,000 IRIS in the Community Pool. Through on-chain governance proposal submission, every community member can co-manage all assets in the pool for the purpose of enhancing the ecosystem.

The 15th execution of this plan has been completed at the end of June:

IRISnet Governance Proposal #14 by Uptick Network Has Passed

On June 29, Uptick Network submitted a proposal to request 2,800,000 IRIS to support IRISnet-resided IBC tokens in the Uptick Marketplace, as an effort to activate the IRISnet ecosystem and elevate utility. The proposal finally passed on July 4th, with 99.95% “YES” votes and a participation rate of 53.94%.

The integration of several IBC-enabled tokens into the marketplace is expected to be completed by the next month.

💌 Community Channels

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IRISnet Blog

Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.