IRISnet & WeTeam Collaborate to Build DAO Tools to Flourish the dApp Ecosystem

IRISnet Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2021

The IRIS Foundation has always dedicated to giving strong supports to developers, teams, and projects that contribute to IRISnet and the whole ecosystem, and therefore launched Tech-Grants Program in October, 2020, to accelerate the development of IRISnet interchain ecosystem. Bi23 Labs, the long-term partner of IRISnet, not only provides safe and stable validator services, but is an important participant in IRISnet dApp ecosystem. Its team management and incentive dApp, WeTeam, has been successfully awarded tech-grants from the IRIS Foundation.

IRISnet is pleased to announce that we have collaborated with Bi23 Labs to create the new generation team autonomous tool, WeTeam based on IRISnet’s unique iService framework and robust interchain capability. With the pattern of iService and Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), this efficient management tool is able to provide the features including data on-chain, proposal governance and team incentive.

With the reliable on-chain governance function, IRISnet community and IRIS holders can conveniently submit proposals on parameter change, software upgrade and so on, while participating in governance via voting. Meanwhile, IRISnet’s particular interchain service iService is the building module for the dApp development, and also a “Super Adapter”, which enables the interoperability between off/on-chain Service Providers and Service Consumers.

WeTeam is a member incentive and team management tool dedicated to providing services to teams and enterprises based on the blockchain and digital token technologies, aiming to achieve DAO team management. Wherever the teams or enterprises are based in, it’s possible for them to create a team account on WeTeam with an enterprise mailbox as long as the team/enterprise has an official website domain name, and make incentive and governance plans to promote the team development.

Team Incentive

Teams can reward their members who made outstanding contributions with team tokens according to their incentive plans. Also, these tokens can be converted to other incentives like options and benefits, and exchanged in the team or even cross teams.

Team Governance

Members who hold team tokens can participate in the team governance to vote for each decisive step of the whole team development.

After receiving grants from the IRIS Foundation, WeTeam will firstly be tested on IRISnet’s DeFi and Interchain Testnet Bifrost with the iService and DAO framework. And through iService, teams settled on WeTeam are able to select IRISnet project to make data on-chain and incentivize members by IRIS tokens. Then after the sufficient testing, WeTeam dApp will be available on the IRISnet mainnet to provide effective DAO services for IRISnet community as well as users/teams from other networks that have been interconnected with IRISnet.

About WeTeam

The WeTeam Team( a development team dedicated to building dApps under the flag of Bi23 Labs. Bi23 Labs has developed many dApps and successfully deployed on public chains like TRON, Celo and Vite. At the same time, the team also keeps operating active validator nodes on more than 10 public chains.

About IRISnet

IRISnet (a.k.a IRIS Hub) is an Interchain Service Hub designed to support the next generation of distributed applications. Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRIS Hub enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model, which supports not only token interchain transfer but also trustworthy data consumption and computation invocation across heterogeneous systems (public blockchains, consortium blockchains and legacy systems). IRIS Hub also provides a variety of modules, such as Coin Swap, HTLC, and random numbers, to support DeFi applications. IRIS Hub is the first self evolutionary blockchain launched in the Cosmos ecosystem.

IRISnet dev teams include Bianjie, a national award-winning blockchain technology team based in Shanghai, and Tendermint, the world-famous team that created the Tendermint consensus engine and the Cosmos project.



IRISnet Blog

Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.