Rainbow Tutorial: Red Packets (Hongbao)

IRISnet Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2020

Author: Rainbow

On 22nd January, 2020, Rainbow wallet added the function of sending and receiving [IRIS red packet], which has been working smoothly. Users can conveniently create, send, and receive a red packet through Rainbow Wallet at ANYTIME.

How to send a red packet?

  • Tap the slidable red icon on the home page to get into the interface of sending a red packet;
  • Fill in the total amount of IRIS and submit the number of packets that you want to send. Click [Modify] to alter the types of a red packet to either Lucky Amount (Each receiver will get a random amount of IRIS , here you need to enter the total amount of IRIS you want to send) or Fixed Amount (Every receiver will get the same amount of IRIS, here you need to enter the amount of IRIS that you want a single receiver to obtain).
  • Tap [Submit Red Packet], enter the password and click [confirm] to finish the transaction.
  • In Receive/Send of Transfer Records, users can check the successful transactions (the red packet transaction has a red icon near it).
  • Tap into one of the red packet transaction, users can view the detailed information.
  • Then, click the [Red Packet], users can view the number of packets unopened, the amount of IRIS unredeemed and the Expiry time.
  • Finally, tap [Share Red Packet] to others in forms of text or image.


1)The amount of IRIS you are about to submit should include each red packet’s network fee. For example, when users want to send 10 packets, senders need to pay 0.1*10=1 IRIS as the network fee of these 10 packets.

2) Like the other on-chain transactions, submitting a red packet also requires transacion fees. Users need to reserve a small amount of IRIS in the account as the network fee for on-chain transactions.

How to receive a red packet?

In the latest version of Rainbow wallet, there are two ways to receive the red packet:

1. Receiving Automatically

  • Copy the Passcode of Red Packet directly, or scan the QR code on the Red Packet post. Then open the Rainbow wallet.
  • Then, the Rainbow wallet will automatically turn into a page of a red packet waiting to be opened, choose one of the addresses to redeem the red packet.
  • Tap [Open], then users can see the amount of IRIS just received.
  • Tap [Red Packet], users can view the number of packets unopened, the amount of IRIS unredeemed and the Expiry time.
  • Then, go to [Redeeming, send more] to jump to the interface of sending a red packet.

2. Receiving Manually

If opening the rainbow wallet cannot lead you to the right page of a red packet after coping Passcode, there is another way to redeem it manually:

  • Open the link of the red packet, copy the Passcode.
  • Open Rainbow wallet, tap the slidable red icon on the home page to get into the interface of sending a red packet;
  • Slide to the bottom to tap the [Redeem red packet]
  • Paste the Passcode, confirm the address is the one you want to obtain the red packet, if not, please go to the home page to switch to the correct address. Click [Redeem red packet ] and check the amount of IRIS received, and then tap [Confirmation].
  • Then, users can go to [Redeeming, send more] to jump to the interface of sending a red packet.

Tool: Rainbow wallet!

Users need to download the latest version of the Rainbow wallet to experience this feature! For more info: Rainbow Tutorial 1: Install and Create

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