To Prosper the Ecosystem, IRISnet and StarryMedia Make Joint Efforts to Build the Interchain NFT Ecosystem

IRISnet Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 29, 2020

IRIS Foundation has launched Tech-Grants Program to fund developers, teams and projects that contribute to IRISnet and the whole ecosystem. As the first project that applied for Tech-Grants, StarryMedia has successfully received grants from the IRIS Foundation.

IRISnet is pleased to announce that we will make joint efforts with StarryMedia to accelerate the development of the whole IRISnet ecosystem. Based on IRISnet’s unique NFT module and solid interchain service capability, IRISnet and StarryMedia with the IRIS Foundation’s Tech-Grants support are able to facilitate the interchain NFT application developments and also the market promotion, further building interchain NFT ecosystem and solving the assets island issue.

Recently, dedicated to accelerate the development of IRISnet interchain ecosystem, IRIS Foundation has launched Tech-Grants Program to fund developers, teams and projects that contribute to the innovation and prosperity of IRISnet and also the whole ecosystem. StarryMedia has applied and successfully received Tech-Grants support from the IRIS Foundation.

Based on the latest version of the Cosmos SDK, irishub has made significant upgrades. IRISnet has launched the phase-1 of DeFi and interchain Bifrost testnet and one of the testing content is the NFT function, including issuing, minting, editing, transferring and burning NFT tokens.

Uptick is an NFT digital asset application from StarryMedia with the functions to issue, mint, edit, transfer and burn NFT tokens. Relying on IRISnet’s NFT module and Uptick’s non-tamperable and time-stamping functions, many practical problems, such as the centralized database management, the data tampering and fraud, the lack of protection on consumer rights and so forth, can be solved. And in this way, blockchain applications can be truly used in the real world.

After receiving grants from the IRIS Foundation, Uptick will firstly participate in IRISnet’s DeFi and interchain testnet Bifrost; and then after the fully testing, Uptick will be available on IRISnet mainnet to provide interchain NFT application services for IRISnet users as well as other networks users through cross-chain technology. The technical and practical experience can be used as guidelines for other blockchains, especially those networks in the Cosmos ecosystem.

At the same time, Uptick can also be quickly adopted and launched on the consortium blockchain IRITA of the same technology roadmap. For example, leveraging the BSN Interchain Communications Hub (ICH), it will be convenient to form NFT-supported ticketing based on IRITA, develop the ticketing version that has the interchain capability based on consortium blockchains and then put into commercial operation.

About StarryMedia

StarryMedia has long focused on the blockchain decentralization technology and application scenarios driven by the token economics, laid emphasis on the integration with the real economy and focalized two core contents of digital asset management and personal data management. The application scenarios involve e-ticketing, transportation and consumption, sports and health, precision marketing and advertising, social e-commerce and many other aspects.

About IRISnet

IRISnet (a.k.a IRIS Hub) is an Interchain Service Hub designed to support the next generation of distributed applications. Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRIS Hub enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model, which supports not only token interchain transfer but also trustworthy data consumption and computation invocation across heterogenous systems (public blockchains, consortium blockchains and legacy systems). IRIS Hub also provides a variety of modules, such as Coin Swap, HTLC, and random numbers, to support DeFi applications. IRIS Hub is the first self evolutionary blockchain launched in the Cosmos ecosystem.

IRISnet dev teams include Bianjie, a national award-winning blockchain technology team based in Shanghai, and Tendermint, the world-famous team that created the Tendermint consensus engine and the Cosmos project.

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IRISnet Blog

Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.