Go to Isle of Media
Isle of Media
www.isleofmedia.org -the national development agency for the thriving Isle of Man video, television & film sector. Set up as a not-for-profit Public Private Partnership with the Isle of Man Government to drive inward investment in Digital Media and foster the indigenous industry.
Note from the editor

www.isleofmedia.org -the national development agency for the thriving Isle of Man video, television & film sector. Set up as a not-for-profit Public Private Partnership with the Isle of Man Government to drive inward investment in Digital Media and foster the indigenous industry.

Go to the profile of Dr Richard K Arning
Go to the profile of Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson
Works in media, news, comms and culture. Founder of Beech Hill Consultancy. www.beechhillconsultancy.com
Go to the profile of Shelley Langan-Newton
Shelley Langan-Newton
From performing arts teacher to corporate strategist in tech. Always learning. Loves a pivot.
Go to the profile of Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson
Works in media, news, comms and culture. Founder of Beech Hill Consultancy. www.beechhillconsultancy.com