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Issues That Matter
Issues That Matter
Trends and ideas we think are important in publishing, marketing, social media, and society. Brought to you, with love and coffee, by indie book publisher Blooming Twig #BooksThatMatter.
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Throwback Thursday: Discworld

Discworld book series by Terry Pratchett

I started reading Discworld, a series of over forty books, sometime in high school. I can’t say how or why…

Fantasy Infographic

Summer’s just around the corner, and with summer comes time to read more books! Here’s an infographic to help you pick the perfect fantasy novel or series to get away with.

fantasy infographic

Throwback Thursday: The Hobbit

If I look back on it and really do some serious introspection, I think I was “that kid” when I was in elementary school. Not necessarily “that kid” as in the teacher’s pet (although, that may have also been the case), but rather in the sense that I really liked to push…