#ITProsWhoCare Spotlight — Lea from San Francisco

Zsuzsa Kohanecz
ITpros Who Care
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2015


Welcome to our ITProsWhoCare Spotlight series. This is an ongoing collection of posts that features members of our Community.

In our last release we learnt about Gabor and his vision to expand his help more with his online marketing skills.

In this release please meet Lea from San Francisco — whose dream is a world where profit is measured in people helped.

Without further ado and a big drum roll to another member of #ITProsWhoCare, here is her interview with us.

#charity: What gets you up in the morning? What is your life motto?

Lea: Create more than consume.

#charity: Describe the world you want your children to grow up in.

Lea: Where profit is measured in people helped, not monetarily. And everyone has access to delicious snacks!

#charity: What skills are you offering to the #charity NGOs?

Lea: I can help other NGOs decide and describe projects if they need assistance figuring out how #charity can be of best use to them.

#charity: Why are you here? What motivated you to support the #charity community?

Lea: I live to make valuable connections between people. I want to enable others to use their talents to help others.

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.​

#charity: Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your story? What was a truly life transforming or meaningful moment in your life so far?

Lea: Honestly…Girl Scouts! I think that’s where my awareness of others started. Learning that hearing ‘no’ is okay (when people didn’t want to buy cookies from me); my mentor taking us young girls to an auto mechanic class; coordinating a food drive between local food pantry and local grocery stores for my final project.

#charity: Where did you learn about #charity?

Lea: I read about the company in a Springwise newsletter.

#charity: Anything else you want to leave the #charity community with?

Lea: A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.​

You can tweet under #ITproLea this week for questions, to meet her locally if you are around or just to say hi ☺

Do you think you have many things in common with Lea? Join at hashtagcharity.org and help us build further the Community of One Million ITProsWhoCare!

