#ITProsWhoCare Spotlight — Meet Sonali from India

Zsuzsa Kohanecz
ITpros Who Care
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2015


Welcome to our ITProsWhoCare Spotlight series. This is an ongoing collection of posts that features members of our Community.

In our last release we learnt about Lea and her vision to a world where profit is measured in people helped.

In this release please meet Sonali from INDIA who works as a Sr. UX Architect in DALLAS, TX.

Without further ado and a big drum roll to another member of #ITProsWhoCare, here is her interview with us:

#charity: What gets you up in the morning? What is your life motto?

Sonali: A cup of fresh homemade ginger tea and some alone time to read and work on my own things before the daily chores begin. My life motto is to give back to the community before I leave the world.

#charity: Describe the world you want your children to grow up in.

Sonali: Sounds like a dream, but a world without wars, and loads of peace and love. Education takes top priority and the willingness to be a good person.

#charity: What skills are you offering to the #charity Nonprofits?

Sonali: UI/UX design. A users experience with the application is the biggest factor that decides whether it will survive or not. And that’s what I wanted to do. Help them convey their message to the world the best way possible.

#charity: Why are you here? What motivated you to support the #charity community?

Sonali: To give back to the community that has helped me be where I am in my career. The biggest motivation has been to share my knowledge and make a difference be it small. Connect with like-minded people and share our talents in the best possible way.

#charity: Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your story? What was a truly life transforming or meaningful moment in your life so far?

Sonali:I was born in India and moved to US in 2005 after getting married to my wonderful hubby.

Everyday is a new learning for me, and that’s what has kept me motivated all these years and will still continue doing so.

As soon as I came to the US, I didn’t know what I would do in life. Somedays I would be homesick and feel lonely. But then I realized, I could use my knowledge in helping a non-profit with their design work (always been my passion) when needed. Hence, I joined one and started playing with their website, branding, etc. Since then, there’s been no looking back. I started getting new clients, projects and even full-time/contract positions. And currently, I am a Sr. UX Architect with an eCommerce company here in Dallas.

Everyday is a new learning for me, and that’s what has kept me motivated all these years and will still continue doing so. The truly life transforming moment for me was when my daughter was born. Nothing ever can beat that. She is my biggest motivation factor in life.

#charity: Where did you learn about #charity?

Sonali: I think it was through Twitter!

#charity: Anything else you want to leave the #charity community with?

Sonali: Experience, knowledge and the willingness to move forward with awesomely cool technology.

You can tweet @sonaliagrawal under #ITproSonali this week for questions, to meet her locally if you are around or just to say hi ☺

Do you think you have many things in common with Sonali? Join at hashtagcharity.org and help us build further the Community of One Million ITProsWhoCare!

