#ITProsWhoCare Spotlight — Norbert from @Ustream

Zsuzsa Kohanecz
ITpros Who Care
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2015


Welcome to our ITProsWhoCare Spotlight series. This is an ongoing collection of posts that features members of our Community.

In our last release we learnt about Jaka and his vision to a world where people live within the boundaries of our planet.

In this release please meet Norbert from Ustream— who likes working together with creative and talented people.

Without further ado and a big drum roll to another member of #ITProsWhoCare, here is his interview with us:

#charity: What gets you up in the morning? What is your life motto?

Norbert: On one hand, my everyday motivation is creating something that makes others’ life simpler and at least a bit happier. Luckily, I enjoy my work, it makes me proud and happy. I don’t like wasting my time on useless things. My hobby is my job at the same time and I love it.

On the other hand, my other love and motivation is my family, my wife and kids.

#charity: Describe the world you want your children to grow up in.

Norbert: I hope they will grow up in a world where everybody has equal opportunities to education, love and succeed in life.

#charity: What skills are you offering to the #charity NGOs?

Norbert: I easily understand people’s technical needs and problems, I am quick to find a solution, transform it into product vision and support its execution. In practice, I would like to help NGOs translate their needs into solutions.

I also like to work together with creative and talented people, connect them with each other, discuss the actual problem, facilitate the team work and build up a solution together.

My job title is product manager, but I have a technology background in software development, data warehouse architecture, as well as scrum master and project management experience.

I would like to assist others in doing their work more effectively thus letting them focus on their real goals, by providing solutions — software solutions, typically — that make their ways easier.

#charity: Why are you here? What motivated you to support the #charity community?

Norbert: I always enjoyed doing things that make positive impact on people’s personal or professional life. I would like to assist others in doing their work more effectively thus letting them focus on their real goals, by providing solutions — software solutions, typically — that make their ways easier. I believe that the most precious resource is human life and the time we have and it must be utilized the most effective way. I believe that software should assist this goal rather than just being distractive tools that divert their efforts. I learned that the best thing I can do is designing great products and building a supporting environment and culture for delivering them. I witnessed too often a non-techie person or organization wasting their time because they were simply unaware of a tool that would have saved tons of their time. I’m here to help NGOs get to know the opportunities that currently available technology could offer, support them in making the right technological decisions and manage their deployment.

I have an additional personal motivation to serve the community, as my wife works for a Hungarian NGO and they face similar challenges.

#charity: Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your story? What was a truly life transforming or meaningful moment in your life so far?

Norbert: I’m 32, product manager at Ustream living near Budapest with my wife, son and daughter. I have known since primary school that I wanted to work with computers because this technology would change our everyday lives and I’ve always wanted to be a driving part of this change. Several years ago users on the other side of the features I developed became more and more interesting to me so I started to read and learn about this topic. I had discovered/bumped into many methods, books, videos and articles that inspired me and formed my thinking, like er-ish economists (Drucker, Porter, Kotter), behavioral economists (the book titled Thinking Fast and Slow), lean startup movement, customer development, storytelling and I have also learned much through personal experience working with great teams and friends.

#charity: Where did you learn about #charity?

Norbert: I heard about the organization from one of my colleagues, Gergely Hodicska, who is an advisor at #charity.

#charity: Anything else you want to leave the #charity community with?

Norbert: I am happy to be one of the first #charity members already working on a project. With a small team of volunteers we’ve started to use the platform to create a website for Moneythink’s mobile application. Check the project on the #charity site and feel free to join our team!

You can tweet Norbert under #ITproNorbert this week for questions, to meet him locally if you are around or just to say hi ☺

Do you think you have many things in common with Norbert? Join at hashtagcharity.org and help us build further the Community of One Million ITProsWhoCare!

